では それでは じゃあ - Grammar Discussion

English translation:
Well then
In that case

では + Phrase
それでは + Phrase
じゃあ + Phrase

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Could there be notes added to the grammar page detailing the differences between では・それでは・じゃあ? I’m guessing it’s just a matter of formality, but it would be good to have confirmation on the page.

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Hey and sorry for the late answer :bowing_man:

You are right! The difference comes to formality.

それでは and its contraction では have the same level of formality and are used in formal writing, formal/polite speech.

In casual language, それじゃあ、それじゃ、じゃあ and じゃ are used instead.

I will add this information to the grammar point!

Thank you :bowing_man:


Still not all that clear on the grammar page on the different levels. It lists those like you say, but I had the following:
それじゃ was listed as too casual, but it accepted じゃあ

That’s because じゃあ is a tad more formal than それじゃ!

Just came to this point and it brought back some memories.

I’m an ALT. A homeroom teacher I worked with a couple of years ago had her own unique way of saying this (at least I’ve never heard anyone else say it):


She must’ve said it at least half a dozen times every lesson and I and the students would lightly tease her about it (all in good fun). It definitely rubbed off though and I find myself saying it occasionally :joy: