English translation:
at the same time as
the instant
the moment
Verb + とどうじに
なAdj + である+ と同時に
Noun + である+ と同時に
English translation:
at the same time as
the instant
the moment
Verb + とどうじに
なAdj + である+ と同時に
Noun + である+ と同時に
The second link on the resources page is broken but I believe may be for the same video?
Also the DIJG page number is 471 for this grammar.
Added the video and fixed the resources!
If と同時に uses the と listing particle, can we list various things before と同時に? There’s a difference in nuance in this case?
I see it as more of a “together” particle here. Like サムと一緒に together with sam. With the same time as と同時に. Besides that I don’t know if it would work for multiple things. Another translation is “the instant” so not a lot of things can be done in that time frame. There’s probably better grammar to use in that case like 間に