English translation:
no matter how
いくら + Verb[ ても ]
いくら + いAdj[く] + ても
いくら + Noun + でも
いくら + なAdj + でも
English translation:
no matter how
いくら + Verb[ ても ]
いくら + いAdj[く] + ても
いくら + Noun + でも
いくら + なAdj + でも
Why do you only cover いくらでも and not arbitrary question work + でも?
@seanblue Is this what you are looking for? We felt that grammar structures like いくらでも and どんなに~ても would benefit from having their own, dedicated grammar pages. Cheers.
I’d be curious to see this expanded on too. Integrated Approach gives more examples:
いつ見ても no matter when (I/we/you) look
何を食べても no matter what (I/we/you) eat
どこへ行っても no matter where (I/we/you) go