に関する に関して - Grammar Discussion

English translation:
related to

Noun1 + に関する + Noun2
Noun + に関して

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What’s the difference between this について?

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Hey :cowboy_hat_face:

The basic difference is in formality, に関して is more formal than について, so the later is more likely to be used in daily conversations.



Another resource I would recommend adding that is quite helpful.

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When can にかんして/する work where にかんけいがある cannot and vice versa? I get that they’re technically saying different things (“is related to” versus “there is a relationship”), so I get that they’re different grammar points, but I don’t get why it’s marked wrong if I put in the other one in some cases.

Xに関する You are talking about a topic related to X.
Xに関係がある Something is related to X. There exists a relationship between something and X.

車に関する本 A book that is about things related to cars.
車に関係がある本 A book that is related to a car.

Notice how the first is talking about the contents of the book, but the second is talking about the book itself.


This is a great example thank you very much. I’ll try my hardest to keep this in mind when I’m doing reviews.