おかげで - Grammar Discussion

English translation:
thanks to
because of

Verb + おかげで
いAdj + おかげで
なAdj・な/だった + おかげで
Noun・の + おかげで

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Almost all of the example sentences use nouns. I think it would be good to mix in a few other parts of speech in there.

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Done :+1:


Can anyone explain why an i adjective or a na adjective with na would come before おかげ?

It looks to me like that adjective is describing it.

When it’s a verb it looks like it’s just saying “thanks to that verb happening”, or if a noun “thanks to that noun”.

Maybe I don’t understand what おかげ itself means.

Any help explaining this would be appreciated. Thanks!

I guess it’s like a blessing? A relative clause describes what kind it is. With an adjective it’s “thanks to xyz being adjective”.



“To whom do you think you should be thankful to for being able to live in such a nice house”

Be a better translation? It’s a bit wordier but I feel like it shows what the 思っている is doing better.

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I like it! I have changed the translation :+1:

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It’s useful to throw a compliment or two. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: