だけのことはある - Grammar Discussion

no wonder
not surprising that
as expected


  • Verb + だけのことはある
  • いAdj + だけのことはある
  • Noun + (だった)・ だけのことはある
  • なAdj + な/だった・ だけのことはある

:warning: Do not use with negative results!

[Gives a reason for a result that is expected or was expected and the speaker/writer judges it to be noteworthy/positive. Can be used together with さすがに and やはり for more emphasis]

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imabi.net provides an addtiional translation for this on the こと Expressions page (under the ~だけ(のこと)heading): “it is worth (it to),” or, “it was worth it.” I actually stubbed my toe on a question where 甲斐がある was expected and I answered だけのことはある because of having previously studied this point on imabi.net.

What I’m wondering if whether that’s an incorrect translation of だけのことはある?

Hey @wrt7MameLZE33wlmpCAV !

That translation doesn’t seem to be wrong, but I wouldn’t say ‘it is worth (it to)’ is another translation for it. It is more of the nuance it has on top of the translation ‘As expected’.

For example, 公表した甲斐がある。続々問い合わせがある。, would translate as ‘It was worth making an official announcement, inquiries have come one after another.’ However, 公表しただけのことはある。続々問い合わせがある。translates as ’ As expected from making an official announcement, inquiries have come one after another’ with the nuance of ’ As expected, it was worth making an official announcement, inquiries have come one after another.’

We hope that answers your question!

What is the difference in usage between this point and だけあって? Is it only that だけあって links two clauses and だけのことはある can end a sentence? Thanks!

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