ことは〜が - Grammar Discussion

It is true…but


  • Verb1 + ことは + Verb1 + が/けど
  • い-Adj1 + ことは + い-Adj1 + が/けど
  • な-Adj1 + な + ことは + な-Adj1 + だ + が/けれど

Used to show the idea of contrast and limitation

View on Bunpro

In this grammar form, how do you know which form the verb should take on both sides of the ことは ?

My understanding was that the verb should be in exactly the same form on both sides of ことは

However, in the examples on Bunpro, I also see
分かることは分かりますが、簡単な言葉だけです。(mixed politeness levels)
ボルトは外れることは外れたが, これ以上分解できない。(mixed tenses)
引越しはしたことはしたが、こっちの家も欠陥住宅だった。(both instances in past tense)


Politeness markers are usually not used in the middle of a sentence, so if the speaker wants to be polite the second word is the only option.


For events in the past, the second word is in the past form, but the first word doesn’t have to be. There is no difference in meaning.

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