抜く・ぬく - Grammar Discussion

see through
to the bitter end


  • Verb[stem] + ぬく

:warning: Often appears as やりぬく
Likely paired with 最後まで

[Used when something is being done from the beginning to the end (regardless of hardships) or to do something completely (see through someone, etc)]

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研究けんきゅうにはなが年月としつきがかかったが、かれえ**き** 、自身じしん仮説かせつ実証じっしょうした。

why is it conjugated as in this example?

There’s a grammar point for that.

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Before I file a bug/type or suggestion to the Bunpro staff, I wanted to ask the question to the general public. After talking with my [Japanese] wife, I have an issue with this sentence:


The grammar point ()is being presented as “All~, Completely, See through, Overcome, To the bitter end” on the grammar description page. Yet this sentence uses () as a basic verb, (くぎ)()く, or “To extract a nail.”

The other examples demonstrate the modification of other verbs, taking their meanings “To the max” or “To completion” per say. However, this sentence is using two different verbs independently, () and (). To demonstrate my point, a rather crude/naive translation of the sentence can be “Pull hard on the nail and extract the nail”.

Consider that every other sentence, without the () modifier still stand on their own, however 木材(もくざい)()さった(くぎ)()く is not a proper, natural Japanese sentence.