はともかく・は兎も角 - Grammar Discussion

setting aside
apart from


  • Noun + + ともかく + (として)

Noun + + ともかく + (として)

View on Bunpro

I noticed this in a some grammar points, but so far none of the Nihongo No Mori videos have opened for me, did they private most of their N2 grammar does anyone know?

Yeah, I don’t really know how it comes either, but it’s probably this video if you’re still looking for it :

Copying the title from BunPro in youtube seems to give the video, but the links don’t seem to work :man_shrugging:

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Why is this incorrect? If it’s not, please can we get a “can you say it a different way?” or something? Cheers

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Yo @matt_in_mito !
It is completely natural!
I have added it as an alternative answer.
Cheers :slight_smile:

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