っこない - Grammar Discussion

there is no chance of/no way of・impossible


  • Verb[stem] + っこない

[Used to express strong denial・っこない often follows potential verbs, できっこない, and わかりっこない・Often used with conditionals, [ても] construction, [て]ばかり construction and なんて]

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What is the difference between っこない and もんか?

Hey @Hadros232232 !

We apologize for the late reply!

っこない does not have the sarcastic tone to it like how ものか has and っこない cannot be used for rhetorical questions. We hope that helps!

Shouldn’t this be accepted ?

I don’t understand this answer. The grammar description says that this is attached to masu-stem verbs, and the sentence prompt says [勝つ], but it seems that the answer is using the potential form.

@Slysoft Did you understand the grammar point better by now? Even though most of the time, the potential verbs stem is used for the grammar point also in examples on other websites, sometimes the dictionary verb stem is used, and I cannot figure out why.

I’m having a hard time figuring out how the verb is supposed to be conjugated for this grammar point.