み - Grammar Discussion

English translation:
used to indicate conditions or nature

なAdj +
いAdj[] +

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So there is this example sentence:


And I was wondering what the difference was between this and:


@Sayu Hey! It really comes down to a difference in nuance and what the speaker wishes to express. When you add み or さ to adjectives, they become nouns. So, 面白み is closer to “appeal,” “attraction,” or “interest,” while 面白い is “interesting,” “appealing,” or “fascinating.” Therefore, 全然面白みがない means “it has no appeal” and 全然面白くない means “it is not interesting at all.” Cheers!

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This short video would be a good addition to the readings section


This should be added to the point I think.
I asked gpt, but still it’s better to include comparison