no need to
not worth it to
not suitable
- Verb + に(は)あたらない
With する-Verbs, する can be omitted
[には当たらない is used to express that because something is typical, deserved, common, within expectation, etc., there is no need to be excessively surprised or worried]
[には当たらない can also express that criticism and the like does not apply or is off the mark in particular circumstances]
[It can be used as a response to someone’s excessive reaction]
[には当たらない is only slightly formal and generally not very common in daily life. It is typically used with 驚く、びっくりする、非難、批判、責める、称賛、褒める、感心、喜ぶ、嘆く、悲観、落胆、恐る、、感謝、同情]