まま・ままに - Grammar Discussion

as (one likes/feels/pleases)
spur of the moment
wherever one fancies
on a whim


  • Verb[る] + (が) + まま ( )

[A[る]まま(に)B is used to express that B is done in compliance with A (a natural phenomenon, a sudden desire, urge, or impulse), without any opposition to it]

[In general, this use of まま is used to express that one leaves things as they are, letting them happen naturally without putting much thought into it]

[まま(に) is only used with a limited group of expressions: 気の向く、思う、思いつく、足の向く、赴く、欲する、風の吹 as idioms]

[It might be easier to think of まま(に) as being similar to に任せて]

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