ってば・ったら・だってば・だったら - Grammar Discussion

I said…!
I told you…!


  • Verb + ってば / ったら
  • い-Adj. + ってば / ったら
  • な-Adj. + (だ) + ってば / ったら
  • Noun + (だ) + ってば / ったら

[If it is not used at the end of a sentence and directly after a noun (A) expressing a person/pet then it works similarly to the topic particle with a nuance of intimacy or criticism - “oh that A”. In that case, だ cannot be used with ってば/ったら]

[A sentence ending particle that is used in casual conversations between friends or family members to express a feeling of irritation/frustration at not listening, not paying attention, or following what the speaker says. Can also be used for rebuttal]

[Often used with phrases expressing commands]

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