とあって - Grammar Discussion

since…(it is no wonder that)
because…(it is no wonder that)
due to…(it is no wonder that)


  • Verb + とあって
  • い-Adj. + とあって
  • な-Adj. + (だ) + とあって
  • Noun + (だ) + とあって

[AとあってB is a formal expression often used in news and articles meaning that because A is unusual or special in normal circumstances, no wonder that B is the case]

[Generally not used when talking (writing) about the speaker (writer) himself or about something that is not special in some way based on common knowledge or context]

[Phrases that emphasize rarity are often used in A like 珍しい、めったに、久しぶり、XXぶり、最後、初めて、最初、初公開、初日. In B phrases expressing popularity are common: 賑わう、いっぱい、集まる、満員、溢れる、人出、多い、たくさん、長い列、混雑、人気 and so on]


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I understand that だけあって cannot be used with negative results, but in the sentence:


It sees だけあって as an incorrect answer. Why is that? The result here is positive. I also wonder what the exact difference is between だけあって and とあって apart from the one I mentioned above.