だに + しない - Grammar Discussion

not even
not at all
never could have


  • Noun + だに + しない

:warning: Exception:夢 + (に) + だに + 思わない

[Aだにしない is an expression used for emphasis by giving an extreme example, meaning “not even A.” Generally not used in modern Japanese, with the rare exception of use in formal writing, novels, manga, and anime]

[A is limited to a few phrases: 微動、想像、予想、一顧、夢、夢想]


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Since にだに is used for 夢, can this also apply to 悪夢 (e.g. 悪夢にだにしなかった)? Or is this strictly a feature of 夢?

Wanted to follow up on @brodric 's question, since I had the same question when reading through the grammar point. @Fuga would you be able to answer this? Thanks!

Hey @brodric and @nminer !

にだに would not work for 悪夢 and since it is not a set expression like 夢にだに, it sounds a bit unnatural!

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