できれば できたら - Grammar Discussion

English translation:
if possible

できれば + Phrase
できたら + Phrase

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What is the difference between the two?

In それが できたら 嬉しいんですけど。it told me to use できたら rather then できれば which I originally entered.

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Hey @Kuromaku, or maybe, lord Momonga? :wink:

In this case, those two are identical in meaning. From now on, both are accepted by srs.

たら, unlike ば can be also used in non-conditional sentences, meaning when, after.

When I was coming back home, I unexpectedly met Dominic.

Though B is mostly something beyond control of the speaker.

By the way:
If SRS asks to put something “in another way”, then your answer is also considered correct!


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You guys should probably add some hidden references to this show like you did for a few others :slight_smile:

Hm, I see. Thank you for explaining in great details!

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Remembering that する has no potential form

Isn’t したい the potential form?

Only with a very positive upbringing, where your parents constantly told you that you can do (potential form → できる) everything you want to do (したい).

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