as if
as if it were about to
about to
- Verb[
ない] + ん + ばかり + に- Verb[
ない] + ん + ばかり + の + Noun
as if
as if it were about to
about to
- Verb[
ない] + ん + ばかり + に- Verb[
ない] + ん + ばかり + の + Noun
Should this be Verb[ない ] + ん + ばかり + に instead? All of the example sentences only use the ない-stem without ない.
I found this reference on p. 374 of Dictionary of Advanced Japanese Grammar, instead of Dictionary of Intermediate Japanese Grammar as stated in the readings section.
私は胸が張り裂けんばかりの気持ちになって、その場から動くことができなくなった。 Here the furigana says うで instead of むね