そうもない - Grammar Discussion

English translation:
very unlikely to
does not seem that
does not appear that

Verb[stem] + そうもない

:warning: Less likely than そうにない

[Very often used with verb in potential form]

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Would I be correct to think that


Would mean “(It is obvious) I cannot eat all that take !”



Would mean that it is not a case of “being obvious from the start”, but that something is happening from which it seems I will not be able to eat all the cake (maybe I am showing signs of it even before finishing half of the cake)


はず is more of a prediction/estimate, like you’re contrasting your cake-eating experiences to the now hypothetical cake in front of you.

そうもない is just stating impossibility, and has a nuance of ‘giving up’ to it, like it’s so much of X that you can’t handle it.

So yeah, what you’re describing sounds right to me!