はおろか - Grammar Discussion

let alone
much less
needless to say
not to mention
not only but also


  • Noun1 + はおろか + Noun2 + まで/も/さえ/すら

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The description for this grammar point says:

But the kanji used to spell おろか is 疎, not 愚. The latter kanji has the meaning “foolish.” The spelling 疎か has the meaning, “negligent, neglectful,” etc. Is this perhaps a typo?


Actually, it looks like 疎か is in fact the right spelling, but as related above, it doesn’t mean foolish.

Is this grammar point the only time that 疎か is pronounced this way? Wanikani has 疎か as a level 56 word but its おろそか instead of おろか.