ずにはおかない - Grammar Discussion

will definitely, will certainly, bound to, not fail to

Verb [ない-stem] + ずには + おかない
Verb [ない] + では + おかない

Verb [Negative] + では + おかない

(A) ずにはおかない is a phrase used when a subject (person or organization, usually speaker herself/himself) has a strong resolution to exert influence over someone. Often used with the causative form, adverbs like きっと, 絶対に or 必ず can be added for emphasis.

:warning: also used to express that subject (usually non-animate like a book) has an emotional effect on people

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The verb here is 置く right? I’m trying to internalize what this means literally, although I suspect this is going to trip me up the same way ずにはいられない・てはいられない・わけにはいかない continue to.

Hey @wrt7MameLZE33wlmpCAV !

The おく used here is actually 措く, which mean to ‘stop something in the middle of’. 置くis used for physical things, while 措く is used for something more conceptual.

箸を置く。is ‘to place your chopsticks down’, but 箸を措く。means ‘to stop eating’.

So the literal meaning of 〜ずにはおかない, would be ‘would certainly not stop without [verb]’. So, for example, 絶対に「ごめんなさい」とわせずにはおかない’s literal translation would be ‘I will certainly not stop without making him say that he is sorry’ with the nuance of ’ I won’t fail to get him to say ‘I’m sorry’ because the speaker has a strong will to make the person say that he is sorry, and there is nothing that will stop the speaker from doing so.

I hope that answers your question!

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