で - Grammar Discussion



  • Noun +

View on Bunpro

This currently only seems to specify the transportation method (by means of) but it is missing at least some example sentences specifying that it could also be used for example for:
はしでたべます。I eat with chopsticks.
日本語でレポートヲ書きます。I write a report in Japanese.

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You are absolutely right! The examples are kind of monothematic.
I will fix it!
Thank you very much for the feedback. :+1:

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Hate to say this, but you haven’t fixed it yet :stuck_out_tongue:

@Bambamlindsay Welcome to the community! It did take us a little while, but we actually added a whole new grammar page to cover the other uses of て/で when it is used to express “by means of” or “in the manner of.” Cheers!

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