っぱなし っ放し - Grammar Discussion

English translation:
leaving something in a certain state
left as is
keep on -ing

Verb[stem] + っぱなし

[state remains unchanged・negative nuance]

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Can っぱなし be used here as an alternative to ずっと if rephrased to the verb stem and still have the same nuance?

Something like: テレビは昨日の夜からつけてっぱなしだった。

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That’s right.

Actually they are pretty often used together.


I’m sure I’ve heard this one in a few contexts before, nice to run into it on BP. :smile:

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Yeah this comes up in conversation all the time, and I’ve found it doesn’t always carry the negative nuance either, although grammatically speaking it does so it’s probably better to remember it that way as a language learner.

The nihongo no mori video has been made private. Does anyone have another link to it?

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They delisted the video because they’ve updated it.

I added the new one to the resources, thank you for pointing that out!