次第 しだい - Grammar Discussion

English translation:
as soon as

Verb[stem] + 次第

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Could there be a mistake with the third sentence example?


In my note I wrote this sentence can’t use with situations that happens naturally like rain, earthquake, etc… I asked my sensei and she said neither half of the sentence can use them. Also the fact that its a 硬い言い方 wasn’t shown in the examples.

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You don’t use 次第 when you’re not expressing your volition on the second half on the sentence, and you can’t use it when its an spontaneous event or action, or past events as you’re waiting for something to happen and past events have, well, happened. For example:

As soon as the news spreads, a riot will probably happen.

This sentence is ungrammatical as the first half, news spreading, isn’t part of a natural progression. Not all news spread after all.

In contrast:

We’ll set sail as soon as the weather clears.

Weather WILL eventually clear as part of its natural progression, and you’re stating your intention to set sail as soon as that happens.

Hope this helps!