English translation:
apt to do
tend to do
prone to do
Verb[stem] + がち
Noun + がち
[Used to describe negative tendencies]
English translation:
apt to do
tend to do
prone to do
Verb[stem] + がち
Noun + がち
[Used to describe negative tendencies]
I’ve found this can be written 勝ち (very useful to retain this imho). Is it often written in kanji?
Due to the kanji meaning ‘victory, prevail’ and the point being used for negative tendencies, i guess this implies that this point literally means something like ‘the negative tendencies win, prevail’, but how do we have to understand it syntactically (is it the stem of 勝つ used as a noun ?)?
Oh nice! This will help a lot
That is exactly right! I didn’t know this myself, thank you for pointing it out!