きり っきり - Grammar Discussion

English translation:
only, just, since

Noun + きり
Noun + っきり
Verb[ ] + きり
Verb[ ] + っきり

:warning: っきり is more casual than きり

[There is another construction, Verb[stem] + きり/っきり, meaning “only (verbing)”]

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nihongo no mori video has been made private. Does anyone have another link?

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Not to a video, I’m afraid. I can refer you to pp. 73-75 of A Dictionary of Japanese Particles by Sue A. Kawashima (published by Kodansha) and pp. 219-223 of A Dictionary of Advanced Japanese Grammar by Seiichi Makino and Michio Tsutsui (published by The Japan Times Publishing).


Went ahead and updated the 日本語の森 to the new, non-unlisted one. Cheers!

More examples in Game gengo N3 Grammar Video(Game) Textbook