とたんに 途端に - Grammar Discussion

English translation:
the instant
as soon as
just as

Verb[ ] + とたん(に)

View on Bunpro

Could someone help me understand when should I add the , and when should I not add it?

I was doing the reviews and I often get a warning like:

  • is not needed because there is a comma after.

However, I also encountered cases where there is a comma after and bunpro marks me wrong if I do not add the .


I would also like an explanation of . It happens on several grammar points but on this one in particular it just marks me wrong immediately instead of giving a hint.

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Hey and sorry for the late answer :bowing_man:

Hey and welcome on the community forums! :partying_face:

To be honest, this is a matter of convention. Some Japanese feel that adding に if there is a comma already is not necessary. Not an error though.

I think that we will change those hints, and simply accept answers with に. :+1:

Are you sure that you are using the past form of the verb?
たとたんに should be accepted as correct answer in every sentence. I will add warnings that will display in a case when non-past verb is provided as an answer.

Sorry for the inconvenience,

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Thanks for the reply!
The sentence I was being marked wrong on was 座ったとたん用事を思い出した。which I now notice doesn’t even have a comma. Is that correct?

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Yes, 座ったとたんに用事を思い出した。is correct :partying_face:, and should be accepted, since it is added to the answer list :+1:

It might have been some kind of one-time bug, I will tell the technical part of the team to check it :+1:

Sorry fot the inconvenience!