わざわざ - Grammar Discussion

English translation:
go out of one’s way
take the trouble to

わざわざ + Phrase

[Used to express that someone takes the trouble to do something though there is no real need to]

[わざわざ can also be used negatively when you think someone may have wasted their time or energy on something]

[It can also be used when referring to yourself when you go out of your way to do something but end up with a disappointing result]

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Interesting how I got this grammar point today when I watched this video earlier! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9X1ZKMGFqfo

anw according to the video わざわざ feels a bit negative towards younger people nowadays. And it’s not really reflected towards textbooks and articles as of yet so I’ll share this for this discussion :slight_smile: