ので - Grammar Discussion

Grammar!!! :confounded:

Thank you so much @nekoyama !

would it be possible to translate ので and から as “that’s why” as well?
I does seem to work for every example sentence.
I makes some of them even easier to match the Japanese examples in my opinion.

I don’t eat vegetables because I don’t like them.
would become:
I don’t like vegetables, that’s why I don’t eat them.

That would be mich closer to the structure of the Japanese sentence:
やさい がきらいだから, たべません


I go to the gym because I am weak.
would become:
I am weak, that’s why I go to the gym.
Again matching the Japanese sentence:

Would that be possible or is there maybe a problem with mix ups with other grammar I still don’t know about?

Personally for those, I switched my English around instead.
Because I am weak, I go to the gym. "
" I am weak, so I go to the gym”

Because I don’t like vegetables, I don’t eat them”
" I don’t like vegetables so I don’t eat them"

I don’t see a huge problem with your interpretation of it, because honestly the English you translate it to in your head/on paper to make sense of it is just a foothold for now. As you learn new grammar and gain experience with the old, your “translations” or feelings/sense of the grammar points will shift and adjust to make room for more to place next to them. So for now sure let them be “that’s why” but don’t be surprised if that gets more elaborate/ changes slightly as you gain experience and comparable vocab/grammar.

But also remember you are learning Japanese , which wasn’t made for the purpose of being closely translated to English. It’s got it’s own thing going on so let it be free and embrace it ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ