Have you done your BunPro Review today?

WK + iKnow seems to be perfect combo so far.
Seems like I’m going to hit my 2000 words at the end of this month.
Still couldn’t do exercise on books because of work kept piling up.
I think I’ll go slowly and kill ghosts. Only a couple left, surprisingly it doesn’t take too much time killing those annoying ghosts.


Very productive day for me :smiley:
I got my BP points done. I completed all Torii reviews and added 15 new lessons. And to be honest they felt like a breeze.
WK Reviews are also down to zero, but I sure noticed that the break from it set me a lot back on getting the Kanji right in terms of reading. The meaning was still pretty clear for me hence my 61% on my review of about 65 items.

Happy weekend everybody :smiley:


Why would you do WK, Torii, and iKnow? wouldn’t you just use WK for Kanji/vocab and then anything else vocab wise you’d learn through watching/talking/listening? Seems like you guys might be overwhelming yourselves with SRS sites/apps.

For any of you who haven’t mastered Hiragana and Katakana you really should just focus on that! Must be a B**** to get through anything! Use https://realkana.com/ and check all the fonts you’ll get up to speed quick (I also spent time writing them until I could do all of them from memory on paper).

Because for me it’s the fastest way to learn kanji and vocabulary words. Just like using BP is the fastest way to learn grammar. WK for Kanji, Torii/iKnow for vocabulary words. I also used subs2srs to convert movies to SRS to learn vocabulary but I think it’s slower than iKnow.

I don’t use Torii because it kept crashing on my PC, and I can’t use it on my phone.
I like iKnow because I want to learn the vocabulary in sentences, it also teaches conjugation a bit. WK don’t have many useful vocabulary words.

I think many people here uses Torii because it’s free. iKnow is expensive :sweat:

I don’t do writing, it slows me down and it took too much time. I don’t think I’ll be using handwriting though, since all work is done by computers. Hiragana is not very difficult for me, but katakana is. Especially when used in a sentence that uses both. I really have to learn more :sweat_smile:


Zero:d my BP reviews. First time in a couple of days? I’m really noticing that putting a cut off time in my day when after I can just relax and not study or similar, really means I need to prioritize right and also not procrastinate with all the fun free time stuff I make time for after my evening cut off time. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m off to start reducing WK reviews which I haven’t touched for maybe a week? But I only had like 25 apprentice so still less than 100 reviews. (I could scroll up and check when I actually zero:d them last but meh.)

Also hope to practice some more hand writing today but I don’t think I’ll have time to fit it in. I guess it’ll have to wait until tomorrow. And I really do need handwriting for homework and tests at my Japanese language school… :3


Well finished my WK reviews last night all 90ish of them, so yay. I also tested myself on hiragana and katakana. My hiragana seems great. (On the school test on Tuesday I couldn’t remember one hiragana so not strange that it went well.) My katakana… I only just came above 50% correct…

So I’m gonna write out all katakana characters today, maybe a couple of times, but I more want to focus on which one each is. I just need to be able to recall them better, recognizing them isn’t the problem. Anyone know of an app, website (preferable) or anki deck I can use to test recall of katakana. Aka it shows me like “ka”, “mu” and I write down the katakana character (well, the program obviously doesn’t have to force me to write, I’ll do that :P). Thanks!


Skipped posting yesterday because I’d be replying for the third time, but I guess I ignore that today?

Did my reviews the last two days on BP and WK. I also added 5 lessons on WK (2 kanji, 3 vocab). Although I didn’t do the 4 hour review (I will do that soon) so we’ll see how it goes.

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Level up to 41.

170 words left on iKnow to 2000 words. Still struggling a bit to read the Shin Nihongo 500. I don’t think 2000 words is enough, I can understand the grammar points and kanji, but not the vocabulary - especially when it’s in hiragana :thinking:
Maybe adding another 1000 words would work?

Still confused about causative-passive and causative form :sweat_smile:


What’s the Shin Nihongo 500?
(Also, causative and passive just sound so daunting to me, as I don’t understand English grammar so don’t really know what those words mean.

As for me, it’s been a couple weeks since I checked in on this thread. I didn’t add new grammar for over a week then finally added a few. I keep doing my reviews everywhere. Getting quite a pile of vocab lessons on WK piling up now. Been adding some stuff on Torii, and making a list of vocab I come across I want to learn which I will search for on there and if it’s not there I’ll add it as custom vocab. Trying to do a bit of reading (I’m behind), and a bunch of other random Japanese practise likelistening/speaking/videos etc when I have time.


Just google it. It’s a comic-size book which has N5-N4 kanji, grammar and vocabulary exercises. I like it because it’s small enough so I can read it anywhere. The explanation is very minimal, so it’s hard to understand when vocabulary is also minimal :sweat_smile:

I plan to buy the N3 book too soon, it’s harder than BP because of no hint and some grammar points are not available on BP :rofl:
I may have to read it twice to understand all of it.

We’re on the same boat, I don’t really like the grammar points’ title. It’s hard to remember which is which. It think られる、させる、させられる instead of passive, causative, causative-passive would be better. :star_struck:

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Thanks. I had a lil look, it looks like it could be useful.

Oh gosh, those three points (also one of which looks similar to potential)… I think I’m going to have to do some reading soon to tackle those >_<

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Reviews on BP yesterday morning, WK reviews at night (didn’t have time in the morning and there were 50 of them). No new lessons, but I’m beginning to think I need to add a lesson on BP every now and then to keep having reviews. :open_mouth:

So far in class I’ve gotten the assignment to write 20 sentences every day for homework. Unfortunately it is for sentences we used in class, so I can’t even show off my more advanced grammar knowledge (if it was just 20 sentences based on class, not that we used in class, then I could, although I haven’t asked). And the sentences are pretty simple ones.


100 words left to 2000 words on iKnow.
WK waiting to level up. Recently BP has less reviews. Seems like I will need to study N3 soon since I’m going to run out of N4 materials. Hardest thing so far might be the acquisition of vocabulary words. Maybe I’m going to take it slow and just add 1 grammar/day :sweat_smile:


Skipped posting here yesterday because I’m such a hog, haha. (Or just ridiculously consistent with logging in to the BP community. :stuck_out_tongue: )

I’ve been doing reviews on both BP and WK, and I’m now down to <10 apprentice on WK, lol. I think I’ve figured out a study plan where I will add lessons on BP and WK on weekends when I have a bit more time (I can dedicate an hour or two to it), and then use the week for reviews and adding class vocab to Torii. So Torii will get back in the mix. I might even start going through my huge review pile there.

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WK Level UP. Done N4 kanji, onto N3 now :joy:
Haven’t finished iKnow for the N4, will wait adding lessons on BP until it is done.
According to stat, I will finish N3 for kanji this year. Vocabulary words might be slower.

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Leveled up on BP. All reviews on BP and WK yesterday. And I added 10 lessons on WK last night and the first WK review I do right after this should have my first few burns unless I mess them all up. :joy:

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Added 20 new lessons on WK today.
Finally done 2000 words on iKnow. Next pit stop at 3000 words :sweat_smile:
BP reviews is in very small number. I’m still thinking of going to N3 but I haven’t fully finished N4 vocabulary words yet.


I’m keeping up with my reviews on BP and WK. I even did like 20 Torii reviews in the last couple of days (not that it makes much of a dent in 250ish reviews). I’ve also been reviewing separately vocabulary coming up in class since that have started to be a part of homework. Unfortunately I can’t add it to the normal Torii pile yet (it is a featured that is being considered), so I’m using practice lists and just using those 2-3 times before the class I need the vocabulary for.

I’ve also managed my first 3 N4 BP points, and I did about 15 WK lessons over the weekend (some on Friday, some last night which I guess is Monday, but anyway). I think I’m going to aim for at least 3 BP points per week, and some amount of WK lessons each week (20 maybe?).


I got red stat since yesterday, only getting around 10 reviews a day even with ghost on.
I decided to study N3. I just hope not getting overload with new grammar points :sweat_smile:

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Did too little reviews yesterday because I was out watching GoT.
Now I am stuck with a red square in my streak chart…