August 22 update~
@Evueimeimei, 頑張ってください with your study streak! できると思いますよ!
@MissDagger, ウェルコムくれてありがとうございました!
Here’s my summary for today!
Hope y’all are staying safe, wherever you are!
August 22 update~
@Evueimeimei, 頑張ってください with your study streak! できると思いますよ!
@MissDagger, ウェルコムくれてありがとうございました!
Here’s my summary for today!
Hope y’all are staying safe, wherever you are!
August 24 update~
First day of online university classes due to COVID
Still managed to get my reviews and lessons in
I’ve learned all of N4 Grammar!!
Well done! Hurray!
A couple of recently learned grammar points don’t seem to stick at all. I just look at the hints and all and I’m like “I have no idea”. And nothing seems to connect by itself. It happens at times, either I will suddenly figure out some way to remember it or brute-force it.
August 25
Now that I’ve learned N4 Grammar, I’m scaling back number of lessons to two.
I just started to take a Japanese Translating Texts class in university.
20 Day Streak!! Hey yeah! Let’s go reviews~ 一歩で一歩で。
@MissDagger, I am going through the same thing. The honorific keigo grammar points from N4 keep confusing me and I don’t want to sort it out…
10 reviews today. Went mostly okay. Starting to remember the grammar points I am struggling with, but not sure I am memorizing them as much as my mind is very good at remembering recent things as long as they are recent and then forget them because my mind didn’t find a good way to actually memorize them. >_<
@PowerAWBS Don’t remind me of the keigo in N4.
@MissDagger XD
I did one review today to keep the streak alive.
Contemplating switching classes and getting in the swing of a healthy sleep routine…
I’ll edit this post when I finish the reviews for today. Not adding lessons as I want my reviews under 50.
N3 isn’t an urgent priority for me right now XD
separating なさる honorific to do, from いらっしゃる honorific いく、いる
お~になる being similar to いっらしゃる
Did my reviews and realized that 6 out of 8 were ghosts. So added a couple of new points and now I am halfway done with N3 since I finished lesson 5’s points. Feels good.
My aim is probably to have about 5-10 reviews a day but if most of them are ghost, I’m willing to push it a little higher since I tend to memorize the sentences with the ghosts way too easily, so I need almost no effort for answering ghosts.
One review today to keep the streak
Day 23
Will edit when I review some more.
Edit: did more reviews
still need to separate いたす and お~になる
I did one review today to keep the streak.
Slightly overwhelmed… but because of poor time management.
I got excited because I dropped theater class in exchange for German 101 and now I know my mind is going to blow up in fun ways~
Four classes per semester is the normal load for university, so I couldn’t just take three… university takes $$$$.
Japanese translation class is great though. I’m so glad I went through the N4 Grammar Points in August, because so far, I understand most of the grammar.
did more reviews… happy friday!
I leveled up!
Edit 2: did more reviews
15 reviews coming in tomorrow, I guess a lot of older grammar points are coming in for review. Ah well… >_< Still today was fine, a few more than usual, so will have to keep an eye because I seem to be coming up on a previous period were I added grammar regularly.
One review to keep the streak
I feel it’s kind of difficult to keep reviewing when I’m not even adding any new lessons…
I haven’t added lessons for the past two days, and I just have like 70+ reviews…
I’d really like them to be under 50…
I did more reviews
@PowerAWBS Over 70?! On BunPro? That would kill me.
I was unhappy to have like 13 today. And was like, not doing lessons anytime soon. Lol.
Each to their own pace, right?
Also did two lessons today, since the reviews are down to 46
Edit: typo
I did like five reviews so far
Yay Sunday!
August 31
One review for the streak…
Overdid the immersion into German social media… XD
Time management rn is だめだよ
September 1!
I have a stupendous amount of reviews… 91 of them…
Focusing on university classes…
Keep the streak…
On the bright side, my Japanese translation class is pretty interesting… Learned about the 万葉集
Took Sunday off and completely forgot about BP and WK, haha, and then I forgot yesterday too, oops…
Well now I did my reviews and killed a lot of ghosts so reviews will be less tomorrow. Will probably be time to add a few new lessons this week.
September 2
My streak is alive… my reviews are in the single digits though…
I tend to either do my language reviews in the morning or at night… never in between XD
Just like my homework XDDDDDDD
I don’t really feel like I’m balancing German and Japanese studies, since my Japanese is already at a level where I’m taking a fourth year language translation course…
Time spent immersing in German does take a bit of time away from Japanese, but it’s fine. I make up for it by naturally listening or watching something in Japanese.
On the other hand, I am so so grateful for the grammar (I said this already), but I had to write a short essay for my Japanese class and I was able to use some of that nifty N4 Grammar because I needed to
Only 3 reviews today, those ghost were really adding to the volume. But I have no time for lessons today. Hopefully I can make time tomorrow.