How do I add sentences for self study?

It’s mentioned in the list of features here: Features | Japanese Grammar SRS
I don’t find the button the user is clicking in the video (but it’s really hard to catch the context at the start of the video because it flashes by so quickly)

I see someone else asked the same question here: Has self study been removed?
But I don’t see the button mentioned in that post

Am I doing something wrong?

What page are you seeing this at? When I check いらっしゃる | Japanese Grammar SRS myself, your sentence in question appears to be at the top of the page and not the bottom. Either way, the button should be at the bottom of the page, just like mentioned in this thread that got made earlier today: Shelfstudy badge series - #2 by Mannelito

I’ll be happy to look into it though! Seems like an odd occurance, but might need some more info first.

I think it was that I was accessing the Examples page from a Review:

If I access via Content->Grammar then I can see the button. Thank you.

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