Huge Vocab Update, Feb 17/2022

Wow! You guys are incredible!!

This is the second time I ask for something and you guys immediately deliver it. You’re spoiling me here :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:. Thank you so much for adding the Quartet paths.



There seems to be an issue involving syncing the new vocab with wanikani. I was previously able to sync with the N5 vocab, but I can’t sync the new N4 vocab. When I click “sync with wanikani” the website acts like it is loading but it never stops, even after waiting an hour.

Also, it sure would be nice to be able to mark multiple vocab words as known at the same time.


It’s being worked on right now.


Love it!


I wish I didn’t buy a lifetime membership for WaniKani. I would have just used this instead lol


Awesome update, there’s a lot of vocab I want to add! A lot of them seem really useful and common even in everyday use. Looks like I’m going to do like 5 new vocab per day for now.

Speaking of which, I think a bookmark feature for individual vocab cards would be great, similar to what we have now on the grammar points, because I’d like to scan a deck completely, mark all the words I want to learn at once, and just add them to my reviews daily without needing to scroll through the deck again.


Syncing the N4 deck with Wanikani worked today :+1:

I have over 1000 SRS12 items now which should exciting … but it just doesn’t feel right. That is because having the dashboard mixing the two modes of vocabs and grammar automatically drowns out the latter, despite me being way more proud of it.

Feels to me like there shouldn’t only be split reviews but a split dashboard, with a separate streak, accuracy percentage, SRS breakdowns etc. But because that would produce lots of clutter maybe even two separate dashboards altogether :thinking:


Having both surely is optimal. The vocab decks won’t even nearly replace what WK offers and I also don’t think that’s the intent.

Not yet anyway but with Bunpro’s speed of development anything is possible. Kanji decks when? ^^


This looks awesome! As long as the grammar and vocabulary reviews are kept separate it would be tempting to move the vocabulary studies over here too :smile:
I think I’ll test this once it’s out of beta.

@Asher Is audio available for the words? Will there be an option to create own decks for the future? And perhaps also community decks?
Sorry if I’ve missed answers posted in previous topics on this feature.

I’m now even happier that I payed for the lifetime account :sunglasses:


This is probably already known, but I’ve got a vocab deck set as my main deck and the element for studying new things on the main dashboard says new grammar while taking me to vocab. It even shows my preferred batch size. Personally, I’d prefer if the the study button in the header took me to the main deck while this one did grammar or something similar to how split reviews works, but for lessons.




With the addition of vocab, I think bunpro is inching closer to being the only SRS system I need. however, I’m still looking for two main things.

  1. To be able to add our own sentence cards that aren’t tied to a particular grammar.
  2. To be able to create custom vocab cards.
  3. It would be really great to be able to add context videos/audio/images to the cards, so that when I hit play, it plays the audio(or the audio from the video) that I got the sentence from.

If we could do those 3 things I think bunpro could be a one stop shop for me.


I think they’ve mentioned this will be possible when the ability to create custom decks to share gets implemented. Will be crucial for sure.

I hope this is also on the forecast! Using the new TTS software VoiceVox + custom vocab here is going to be great. Jisho allows you to search for sentences, and plugging those sentences into voicevox (along with the vocab) would be some awesome listening practice.

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Just popping in to echo the sentiment of a mass “I know this” option! I’m sure it’s in the works, and no rush whatsoever! I’d love to fill in the gaps I surely have in my knowledge by going over the N-level decks, but atm it’s just far too troublesome to mark every vocab item I know individually as an advanced learner.

Great work on another grand slam! The hard work is certainly not unnoticed or taken for granted :grin:


Audio is not available just yet, but we are considering the possibility of adding native audio for the words (not the sentences yet at this stage though).

No promises on when this will happen, as we have a lot of different projects we are juggling at the moment, but I am guessing that it is something that we may prioritize in the near future, as it will potentially add a lot of value to the decks.


I love the Vocab update, though unfortunately I don’t think I’ll be using it any time soon. I think I’ve just got too many SRS tools at the moment, and I don’t have the bandwidth for an additional practice.

Just to describe, here’s what I’m currently using at the moment:

  1. Weekly Teacher Led Course: Practice speaking and learn new Grammar points directly from a teacher.
  2. WaniKani: Kanji & Vocab Learning Tool
  3. KameSame: Reverse of WaniKani (produce the word from memory), as well as Kanji writing practice.
  4. Bunpro: Learn new grammar points and reinforce teacher lead course.
  5. SRS for words learned on my teacher led course. Words learned through Kana, no Kanji are involved as that’s saved for WaniKani.

With all this I’m struggling to see where the Bunpro vocab element comes in, as I have quite specific needs for each use case. I do however think the potential for vocab is huge, potentially for SRS within context sentences and also perhaps to work alongside a future conjugation tool and this creates the foundation for that. Great job as usual team BunPro!


Sounds good, audio would be a very valuable addition.
Hearing the word as well is an important part of the learning process that helps improve the retention, at least for me.


Sorry if this is not the correct place for this, but I couldn’t find a “Feedback” option for the vocab. This vocab item seems to be incorrect アクセサリー | Japanese Grammar SRS


Thanks for pointing this out! Will get it fixed asap. Sorry for the inconvenience 🙇🏼‍♂️.


Not sure if this has been raised before, but in the N5 deck there are several items where punctuation necessary for the answer, which is annoying. The most egregious looks like どうですか, where the answer is “How is …?”. It’s not consistent either.


Overall I like the vocab decks, so this is mostly just a point of friction.


Sure, you can always add it as a synonym yourself, but I agree, it should be accepted without the punctuation. And when you’re doing the lessons, you don’t always think of every other (valid, if not accepted by BP) way you might answer it in reviews