Don’t stop once you start. Doesn’t really matter what you pick to get started with, just do it and keep doing it.
I’ve started and stopped so many times now I’m a hot mess of knowledge between N5~N1 who still messes up fundamentals and has a small vocabulary.
Breaking the theme now to add more advice:
- Get the app/read Human Japanese or read/watch Kawajapa -a.k.a. Cure Dolly- to better grasp much of the language in a clear, easy, concise way. It will help prepare you for what you are getting yourself into.
- Get the app KanjiBox and purchase all of it’s extra content ($10 app, with a few $1 additions that are all worth it, something like $18 total, no subscriptions) This app does everything, and does it well. It is honestly a hidden gem IMO, and I never see it get talked about. It does kana, kanji, vocab, reading, writing, grammar, quizzes, scoring, example sentences, lets you make sets and download other’s sets, etc. It is like Skritter, Anki, RTK, WaniKani, Memrise, Duolingo, Drops, StickyStudy, iKnow!, and Bunpro (Though not as advanced as Bunpro), and a number of other apps I also have and have used all wrapped into one. One of the only Japanese apps you’ll ever need.
- Get the Japanese App (one of the only other Japanese app you’ll likely ever need) because it is a simple and powerful offline dictionary/study companion which is very useful and lets you save lists and has great example sentences, etc. I like it much better than imiwa.
If you are in Japan:
- Find a bar you like that has little to no other gaijins frequenting it, find the regulars, start talking to them only in Japanese. If they try to speak English, tell them you are trying to practice your Japanese, or find a new bar.
- Go to 7-Eleven and pick up the free magazine ボノロン that is issued every 2 months. It is kind of like a kids book, but is very helpful and free if you are trying to immerse.