To High school me: class is not the goal. Here is anki. (RTK deck and All genki vocab deck) The goal is to learn Japanenes, not pass the test. It’s called “self study”. Now turn off those English subtitles on Netflix and do your best! Also, that was back in the hey day of “All Japanese All The Time”.
College me: More listening practice! And, unfortunately, reading along is still reading. Turn off those Japanese subtitles.
Don’t stop studing after passing N5! Join a tea circle or anime club or something besides playing on your phone and actually make friends. This would’ve been a good time to buy Jalup or Bunpro if it exists I think Subs 2 srs was created around this time.(2015?)
First Job: Your job is boring, and your boyfriend is worse. Join a club or networking events to find new ones. And listen to Japanese podcasts at work. Hustle is a lie.
To me now: the road to hell is paved with “about” you spent the last /hour/ giving Japanese advice when you have 200 reviews due!
Do your SRS then go watch a Japanese Lets Play on YouTube. Shoo!