iOS App - Official Release

Major Changes

New version: 0.4.1+242

Release for the App Store

The App has finally been fully released to the App Store.
We encourage everyone to install the app using the App Store, as TestFlight will now be used for beta testing, and the current testing branch will be gradually phased out. You won’t lose data if you had testflight version installed previously.
You can get it here: APP

In app payments:

There is now in-app support for purchasing a Bunpro Subscription extension. :tada:

We highly recommend using the onsite option as it is cheaper due to the included app store fees. Additionally, in-app purchases are consumable rather than recurring so they wont automatically renew.


  • Dashboard on tablet has been changed so that it uses the available space better.
  • Changed the directionality of button icons, now they are located on the left side of the buttons
  • Added vocab bookmarks
  • Bug fixes:
    • Fixed cram collapsing all the tiles in textbook tab, on adding new grammar/vocab to the cram list
    • Other bug fixes

Thank you so much for your help during the test flight phase! Thanks to your feedback, we’ve been able to fix bugs quickly and produce new features. We believe that 2025 will see huge improvements to the app side of Bunpro.

Please continue sharing your thoughts whenever you can. We read every piece of feedback and are constantly working to make the app more user-friendly. :tada:

PS: Please leave us a review on the App Store! :bowing_man:


Finally! I’ve been waiting for this since I joined Bunpro, as the TestFlight was full and I couldn’t join. Congrats on the launch! :clap:


It looks great, I can tell that you guys have been hard at work on it!


First thing I noticed is right away on the sign-in screen: It seems you haven’t added the Bunpro domain as semantic information to the form, my password manager doesn’t suggest my Bunpro credentials from the password manager…


I guess I can also post this here, the learn queue total seems to include things from already complete decks.

I mean I’m probably intended to remove them so I should just do that. :sweat_smile:


Hey! I have noticed this too, will be fixed with next update!
This has a high priority, will be also fixed with the next update.

Thanks for kind words!


Those buttons on the top left are also all too small. They measure only 30 points. But any buttons must have at least 44 points on iOS to be confidently tappable:

And why is the icon’s arrow heading to the right and not to the left like on the website? :thinking:


It’s because I did not notice it :bowing_man:
I need stronger glasses probably.


@mrnoone No worries, fixing an icon is easy. But if they were bigger as they should be, you would have probably noticed it, too! :wink:

I assume you’re the developer of the app? I’m an iOS developer, too! May I ask what technology this was developed with? I can find lots of weird UI/UX quirks all over the place that don’t feel home on the platform, which makes me think that this is not a native app. Flutter maybe? Or React Native?


great news!

2 issues I noticed on the main page:

  • the level lists on the bottom are inactive : (単語 and 文法 alike)

  • there is a formatting issue with the progress bars in 単語 and combined modes that have 4 digits totals. ( 文法 with 3 digits totals is fine). The digits wrong alignement add spaces between the bars.


A few things. It’s only available through the above link? I couldn’t find on the App Store in Spain. I deleted the app when I thought it would be on the App Store, and redownloaded it again when I couldn’t find it.
I use the Test Flight, and with this last version I can’t see my customized verbs deck, I was seeing it until today.
So on the study queue, those items are not counted and I can’t add it or see it on the preferences queue button. So now, if I enter via web I have 8 items pending to study, and only 7 on the app. (I set for 1 item of that personalized deck)
I have the app on Spanish.
Other thing. On the web I see the community forum in Spanish. On the app I see the community forum in English. Is there a way to access both, or at least set the preference for one or another?
Anyway, huge thanks for the work and keep improving it!


Have manually added words always been this tiny on the screen? I’d love to see options to increase the sizes of many elements, but particularly Kanji. There is a huge amount of wastage on that top half of the screen.


Would you prefer those on TestFlight to join the main branch, or will you be using TestFlight to make changes that need testing before main release?

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Just thought I should mention this here as well iOS app doesn’t have cram option after finishing reviews.

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Big issue I found, in reviews nothing is counted as wrong, so there is no cleanup which might be why there is no cram, you can get something wrong and it will just go back into the queue and then you can get it right and it will go up in SRS level! Although ghosts still seem to work. Also the button to see apps on the website for iOS still takes you to TestFlight link.

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I prefer to look up definitions of unfamiliar words individually to see if I can understand the sentence before viewing the entire translation. However, the app lacks the ability to copy text, unlike a browser. Therefore, I still find the browser preferable until this issue is resolved. Despite this, the app looks great.


Setting the default SRS level for a deck doesn’t seem to be saved when set in the app (but is saved if done on the website).

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I looked back into the app and it turns out I have no reviews appearing on the app while I have 48 due on the website…

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Yaaasss! I was waiting for this for so long - and now that I m finally back: IT’S HERE!!! Congratulations team!

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Does it update to what you expect if you manually refresh, by pulling down on that screen? With the TestFlight builds, I found I always had to do that after completing reviews/lessons on another device.