iOS App - Official Release

alright I tried a manual refresh and it just did work, after a very long wait (2/3 minutes), I did not have the patience to wait that long before, the loading circle just seemed endlessly spinning.

Another issue I have during review sessions is that the very useful link to the related lesson we have on the bottom in the website version is missing in the app (説明表示 , show explanation?).
Really missing that one I use it all the time :confused: I guess I’ll stick to the webpage for now.

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Yeah, I think I’ve had this happen on the TestFlight version as well.


There seems to be a bug with the “alternate answers” in custom sentences. I accidentally added an extra entry and now I can’t seem to remove it. It appears to delete but then when I go back to check it again it’ll be back on the list and in reviews.

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The app is working great for me so far but there is a couple of things I noticed.

When reviewing grammar with “Reveal & Grade” I sometimes like to open the info tab on a grammar point after grading it, but that option doesn’t seem available on the app as it just auto-skips to the next grammar point to review. Could the option of staying on the same grammar point after grading be added to the app?

The search function isn’t working properly for me. To try it out I just started searching the basics but, for example, neither は, だ or に show up in results when searching for them. And it’s not related to a minimum kana limit I’m assuming because の, さ and わ show up when searching for them.

This last point is completely subjective so feel free to ignore it. I much prefer the “Last Session” percentage to be display without the decimal points on the dashboard, like it is on the desktop version of Bunpro.
100% vs 100.00%, I think 100% looks neater and blends in better with the rest of the dashboard on a phone screen. 100.00% stick out and that discrepancy between desktop and app was the first thing I noticed when I first logged in to the app.

Really amazing work on the app. I’m glad I got the lifetime membership to Bunpro, because it’s improving at such a rapid pace. Several major updates since I joined, and I’ve only been here since the middle of October.


Yeah, the font size is too small for me. At least I can zoom in so it’s readable, but then all the UI elements will not be on screen anymore, which makes it less comfy to use than the website.

I also feel like the app might not be designed with iPad screen sizes in mind, cause during review there is a loooot of free space while at the same time the font is small and all the buttons are way down or way up.

Anyway, maybe I just havent found the font size setting yet?

Font sizes (small/medium/large) can be chosen under ->Settings->Styling

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Ooohhhh! Thanks a lot! Now the experience is way better :slight_smile:

The app has been just published so it is low in the search results in the app store, the more people will download the easier it will get to find it. You should be able to find it if you write “bunpro srs” in the search. Eventually just “bunpro” will suffice.

As for the spanish forum links, it will be all added with the next update.

The icon issue has been fixed, and yes we are working with flutter.

The tiles are inactive as long as you have 0 reviews in the respective srs stae.
Considering your level, might be a bug, since you should have more than 0 vocab reviews seeing your numberes. Could you refresh the page using pull to refresh? Does it still show 0?

The formatting issue with progress bars have been fixed :+1:

@Codsworthy The testflight still be used for testing I think :+1:

I am looking into the cram issue.

@jlewis In the app you can copy whole sentences by tapping the three dot menu only at the moment.

I have found the cause, it should be fixed with the next release.

I have fixed the issue with the search functionality. Should be all working with the next release.
The last session format also has been changed to the one used on the website.

As for the reveal and grade, after you tap the “show answer” you should be able to tap on “info” to get the grammar/vocab data.

We will make sure to fix all the bugs mentioned with the next update, thanks for the amazing feedback!

If you like the app, you can leave us a review :bowing_man:


That’s amazing but you didn’t seem to mention the fact that there is no clean up if you get one wrong and that the SRS doesn’t change is that a bug perchance. Thanks for all your hard work!

Good work! I’ve been using the App for a few weeks now, not long after I started using Bunpro. Overall it’s been a nice experience and obviously it’ll only get better with time, which is exciting.


There is clean up, it just isn’t obvious, and happens seemingly randomly in the middle of reviews as opposed to a dedicated step at the end, and the SRS is affected correctly, it just doesn’t seem to indicate as such visually.

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Oh okay thanks I didn’t know, guess I was just confused because when I got it wrong the SRS at the top right doesn’t change like it would when I got it right. Thanks for clearing that up.

Bit of a formatting suggestion…with large text size I think it would help to reduce the spacing between lines a little bit. It’s really common for stuff to be cut off. In the one below the hint is missing and requires scrolling. Options in the settings for line spacing would be awesome. I guess another way you could fix that is to put the hint above the sentence instead of below it?


Hey! Nice work with the app.
I don’t know if I’m just overlooking something, but when I “learn” new vocab, it’s very important for me to be able to set them as Mastered immediately, because I know a lot of them already - but I don’t think I can do that in the app? Would be quite a nice addition.
Thank you!


The spaces between lines are like that to accomodate furigana (which is also fairly big) in ‘big’ font setting.

Do you mean the “mark as mastered” button during “learning”, when new vocabs/grammar are presented?
If yes, then it will be added with next patch.

There are also two other ways:


Yes, awesome to hear, thank you!

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Ahh, I see. Maybe more furigana size options would help in that case. Then you could have furigana set to small but the rest of the text big (likely how I would like it personally). I mean, there’s a normal and large but I feel like it’d be cool to be able to dial it in more (normal furigana is still fairly large). If it’s what’s creating those big spaces I’d have it set even smaller if I could.

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thanks for the feedback!

Once I refreshed, it now works very every time.
As someone else also reported, the problem of displaying no content only happens the first time or at least every time you run the app until the (very long) refresh has happened, still a concerning issue for first time users.

As for the info issue, there is a 情報 link that crashes the app.
(Without a go back link option btw)

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I’m here once again regarding font size :sweat_smile: Is the font size in the app the same font size as on the web version? Cause after adjusting the font size in the app to a readable level, everything on the website is too huge :sweat_smile:

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My one big request - make all the text responsive so unknown words can be copied and checked in a dictionary or have a dictionary actionable within the app