Welcome to the forums! 
Bunpro is GREAT for studying Vocab! (not biased at all) 
In all seriousness:
While has its flaws…
- Doesn’t have reviewable sentences for every word
- Some ambiguousness about what exact word that is required, leading to wrong answers that would otherwise be right
- A lot of the non-JLPT Vocab don’t have a tonne of info on them
These are actively being worked on:
- Sentences just got added for N2/N1 sentences, and more on the way, getting added rapidly
- Currently discussing this internally, by way of adding the “leading hints” system to Vocab too.
- Basically, similar to the orange leading-hint text in Grammar questions, if the answer is grammatically/contextually correct, it will lead you closer to the answer, saying something like “Looking for an answer that is more…”
- Being worked on as we speak, pulling in more accurate data on stuff like Word Type, separating multiple definitions for the same word etc.
So I’d say for JLPT users, with all those context sentences, it’s n excellent resource to use for Vocab.
For advanced users, it currently can leave a little bit to be desired for rarer Vocab / those wanting more in depth details for specific words.
With it being built on every day though, and with user-created Decks + sharing on the way, I’d defs keep an eye on it.
Personally, I currently am going back and Cramming all of N4/N3, slowly cracking away at the 2000-word long list.
When I find a word I have forgotten about/straight up never learnt, I add it to my Reviews queue as I know there will be sentences for them.
Just my 2c, and as part of the Bunpro Team, take it with a grain of salt!