JLPT December 2022 - Results published / Certificates sent

Passed all the sections for N1 quite comfortably (failed reading the previous time) but just not enough points overall. That 100 points is a tricky line to get over compared to 90 for N2. I’ll be back in July hopefully for the last time!


I passed all the sections for N2 but didn’t get enough total to pass. All my scores went up compared to last time (besides listening, which is still my highest score). I’m not sure if I’ll have time to take it again in July. Oh well.


How does this work? I thought the pass mark was roughly 50%?

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Total points needs to be 50%, individual sections need something like 33% of their respective total as well. You could have perfect listening and perfect reading but if one of the sections is under 33% the test is still failed.

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Passed N3 with 180/180, kinda surprised since I definitely made a few mistakes on vocab section but I’ll take it


I got a 132/180 on the N3 and passed! Best section was listening by far with 50/60 but my worst was definitely reading since I only got 39/60. Still pretty happy with the score even though I could’ve done better. For now, I’m ready to move onto at least N2 pass.


What were your individual scores if you do not mind me asking?

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For my first time taking the test this is better than I expected:

Seems like I was cutting it a bit close. Surprised the reading was better than the Language Knowledge and likewise for the grammar and vocabulary split, still fairly happy.

Not much is changing in my overall learning strategy. Just incorporating more and more reading into the mix and I think that The rest will follow.


First JLPT and passed N2! I had plateaued at about lower intermediate grammar for over a year and just could not find a good study program to get me over it. Then I found Bunpro and my life changed! I finally started enjoying studying again and was learning faster than I ever had. Thank you Bunpro! <3



It’s embarrassing but that’s life, I guess.


There are two pass marks in the JLPT that you need in order to pass the exam.
The overall pass mark is around 50-55% of the total marks on the exam (depending on the exam level taken), there are also the sectional pass marks which are the marks you should get on each of the sections (reading, vocabulary, and listening) themselves to pass. You need to achieve both marks in order to pass.
It’s a bit complicated for sure, but it’s to ensure you don’t pass the exam by doing great in one part but badly in another.

Here’s the overall and sectional pass marks for the N4 and N5 level taken from the JLPT website itself as a reference.


Got 89/180 on my N4, didn’t pass by a single point, but I feel great about it. I’m halfway through the N4 grammar points, so passing or not passing doesn’t change the fact that I got so much to study yet. I went better on the listening sections than the language one, which was a good surprise. My listening seems to be improving, so now I just need to better internalize the grammar rules and learn the ones I didn’t so far

Gonna take the N4 again, definitely pass it, and then it will be time to start climbing the N3 wall


It’s good to have been able to start the grammar for the next JLPT level straight away through BunPro.
Really want to get going with the vocabulary though.

Incidentally, for those of you aiming for the next JLPT test in July 2023, whether with a hope of passing or just to see where you are up to / keep motivating you to study throughout the year:


I failed N4 with 74 but I expected to fail so it wasn’t a shock. I was overly optimistic about how much studying I would do when I signed up (and on a high from passing N5) but I will be ready to pass in July and hopefully N3 in December.


I guess that’s a bit better than expected, but it’s still is a 不降格.

This just confirms I need to increase the Kanji focus.


Right there with you! Hope Bunpro adds N3 vocab deck in good time for me to prep for next year.


Me too, please, pretty please :sob::pray:
I think an N3 Vocab deck is in the pipeline, but staff have been working on redoing how reviews look and other things like that.


I (barely) passed N3!

It was a very close call. I thought I totally blew listening, but I guess either I was lucky or it was so difficult that they gave higher marks.

Disappointed with reading score, I don’t really know why it is so low. I didn’t have major difficulties with understanding the texts, so I don’t have any explanation.

Anyway, ギリギリ合格しました!


I passed N5. Chuffed to bits.

I am surprised that the listening score was that high as it felt really tough in the room - must have got lucky with some guesses :man_shrugging:
Thought I’d score higher on the other sections to be honest. They felt relatively easy in the room.
I think I definitely started to feel the time pressure!

But overall really happy to have passed my first exam in over 20 years!


For those interested in increasing on the reading, how about trying Satori Reader? :slight_smile:

NHK Easy is also a nice, free constant source of new reading material good for up to about N3, I guess?

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