JLPT December 2022 - Results published / Certificates sent

I don’t really like pre-cooked stories or graded readers, because it fails to keep my interest on them.

Instead I’m doing books aimed for middle-school, but I recently also picked a big normal one.

You can see the titles here:

If someone has the same problems as me in getting interest in the graded/learner texts, I really recommend going for the easy light novel series, like Tsubasa Bunko, Aoi Tori Bunko… and such.


I guess it’s really good to read content aimed at native speakers :+1:


Congratulations to everyone who passed! On to the next level!

For those that didn’t pass: I’m sorry that you didn’t get the score you wanted. :broken_heart: There’s always next time! You have a whole year to work on your weak skills and then you can try again! (Unless you live in a country where the test is offered in July, then you have half a year!)


to my absolute suprise i passed n3…
was 90% sure i fail because i messed up the star questions and had to skip the last 5 items of the reading part.

iam happy :slight_smile:


I was really surprised for passing N3! Wow. Soo happy haha
What a start to the year.

@Erz I got the same total score! :smiley:




First JLPT and passed :flushed:
I had already convinced myself that I failed :sweat_smile:


Passed N3 with a 127! First time taking the JLPT. Now time to turbo mode to N1 this December.


Whoo congrats :tada::partying_face:

Can I ask, do you think it was a bit difficult having the N2 be your first? Would you have rather done a n3 beforehand in hindsight? Thinking of doing a similar thing so I’m just curious


I passed N5 with a 103/180, I was expecting to do better honestly. I wanted to take N4 but the places sold out within an hour of applications opening, so I downgraded myself. I probably would have failed 4! It just goes to show you can walk around Japan for a couple of years speaking to people every day and still suck at grammar on paper. Vocab pulled me through as I know I barely got any wrong on that section. Will be more grammar focused this year and hopefully can register for N4 next December (there’s no July test in my city).

N5 isn’t worth much academically but at least I can prove to my Dad that I did actually learn some Japanese language, not just how to maximise nomihodai time and make friends in bars.

Omedetto to everyone who got the result they wanted! And Gambatte to everyone who didn’t quite make it this time!


I barely passed N2 with a 96 (35/30/31). This was my first time taking the JLPT. I don’t feel that I deserve to pass, but I was convinced that I had failed the reading and listening section catastrophically, so this was a bit of a relief. My study methods mostly just consisted of immersion, Anki (for vocab), and Bunpro. I hadn’t done any practice tests (big mistake, underestimating the time constraints cost me points for sure) and didn’t use more test-centric prep booklets like SKM. I did use the ASK! JLPT 単語 books for vocabulary though.

Definitely gonna adjust my approach to the test and try for N1 next December. I’d really like to pass with a greater score!


Fixed that for you! Congrats on a great achievement!


Thank you :grin:

It wasn’t that bad, sure there was some extra fumbling and nervousness because of it (e.g sharpener not allowed on the desk and other rules I didn’t know). But on the other hand, not having expectations on the reading content or listening speed was nice. I think I would have been less motivated to keep up the reviews of N3 material than trying to go through enough N2 material before the test :smiley:


I was actually wondering since I hadn’t really thought about it, but when should we expect certificates to be shipped? Not really a necessity for me at the moment, but still cool to have ww


Depends where you are: in Japan, they’re pretty quick, longer and (even) more expensive for elsewhere!

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Ahh gotcha, makes sense.

I live in the US, but I wasn’t sure about timing or pricing or anything. All I could find online was about reissuance of the certificates.

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Wow, it’s so interesting to see that you got your highest score in listening! For me this is always the hardest part. Do you focus on listening so much during your studies?


Also had to skip the last few pages of the reading! This was what was written on the board in the room: “End Time 14:10, End of Break 14:25”

So without reading and just looking at the times, I thought I had an extra 15 minutes for the reading section. Went pale when I head “5 minutes left” and was no where near finished :sweat_smile:

Surprisingly passed but does not feel deserved.


To everyone that took the test, you all did your best! Let’s all do our best again next time around. I’ll be attempting the N3 in July. I’m feeling nervous about taking the JLPT because it will be my first time. :sweat_smile:


It’s been years since I’ve switched a lot of things to English (not my main language either) and also to some degree Japanese.

If I had been as radical with Japanese than I was with English earlier on, I’d be much farther by now. Immersion is key really, so lots of anime, shows, radio, and staying in Japan short of the 3 months tourist stay limit I feel is what made that skyrocket.

I also passed N3 by the sheer score I got from listening, which gave me mixed feelings, because the rest of the scores where kinda low too, like it happened with the N2 this year.