JLPT December 2022 - Results published / Certificates sent

Please could you share them, I’m thinking of doing N4 next summer and my listening is definitely the weakest area.


N5 here. I’ve scored pretty high on everything except the listening, so I’m focusing on that almost exclusively.

Arguably I should I have stretched myself and gone for N4 but I don’t think I would be able to pass the listening section.

I’ve exhausted the listening sections from my textbooks so am using another site. Though the audio quality isn’t as good.
I did link the site, but I’m not sure if the content is breaking copyright so I don’t think the BP guys would want me linking that.


Sure. The one I’ve worked through so far is the typical Shinkanzen Listening book.

However, now working through The Preparatory Course for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test: N4: Kiku, basically a load of practice questions:

Then there are the practice test books which of course include all parts of the test, including listening.


I’ll be taking the N4 in New York. Originally wanted to take the N3, but I would have had zero free time to myself since July if I did that to myself. I’m honestly only worried about the grammar at this point as that’s the only section I had issues with when doing a pretest a few months back. I’m focusing just on grammar just until the end of November hits, then I’ll try another practice test. It’ll just be basic reviews from there.

I had some personal issues come up around August, so I fell behind in learning quite a bit and am rushing my grammar. But I’m going to be able to do fine at the rate I’m going judging by my reviews and cram sessions. Hopefully I’m right! :sweat_smile:


Will try N5. Using BunPro SRS, Torii SRS, Wanikani, and Tadoku reading.
Listening using Netflix and Youtube. haha
So far so good, but I really need to brush up my reading and listening.


I’m taking a swing at N2, and unfortunately following my preparation prediction from August exactly: “Or doing nothing - that seems more my speed.”



I am going for the N3.
I feel very 50 50 about it. In 2019 I failed N3 by 10 points haha
I feel quite happy as I have definitely started to study more over the last 2 months and my sleep pattern has gotten better, I walk more too haha.

My main goal over the last month or so was to improve a bit my vocabulary as that is definitely my weakest area. So I have been using a lot more Anki and Kanji Senpai + paper to write stuff that I get wrong.

Hopefully from today / tomorrow, I plan to start transitioning into doing as many JLPT N3 books as I can and go through. Hopefully that would be enough for the exam. I have a few drill books eg パターン別 N3、Kanzen Master Grammar + Reading N3. (I wish I started doing this already but time keeps slipping away… haha)

For reading, I hope to read as many light novels as possible… we will see. I started to read for 1 to 2 hours before bed!

For listening, I just blast Japanese music while working :metal:
Should probably go and watch some Jdramas without subtitles…

Good luck!


I’ve not done a language learning listening examination in over 30 years :scream:
During practices I do find myself ‘zoning’ out and missing critical bits of information.

Does anyone have some practical tips for when taking the test?

Anything that works for them, like I dunno, closing eyes, chewing gum, taking an ear trumpet with them, loading up on caffine & sugar, rushing to the room and bagsying the desk nearest the front…

And the anti-patterns, stuff that backfired and wasn’t helpful like, closing eyes, chewing gum, taking an ear trumpet with them, loading up on caffine & sugar, rushing to the room and bagsying the desk nearest the front…


What I find most difficult about the listening is that it’s at the end.

I think it would be better being in the middle but I understand logistically it would be a nightmare.

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Taking N3 in Madrid. Where do you you take it in Spain?

I don’t feel I am ready and don’t really have all the time I would need to study.

But anyway… listening and grammar are the most difficult parts for me…

Still 1 month to go. At least I will finish N3 grammar in bunpro by that time.


Madrid, so I guess same place as you, the UAM.


I am doing N4 (also in Spain). But mainly because I need deadlines. They work great for me. I probably won’t be ready on time, and maybe I’ll just go to check the process (first time). Or not. But so far the deadline has been a blessing.


Deadlines do work well. I’m on path to finishing level 7 of Kanji Kentei as I picked up the speed and I’m investing more time (I do also have more free time this month… but still I’d probably be more procrastinating and pushing less hard)

I which location are you taking the exam? It’s kinda crazy that there’s enough demand to have 5 locations in Spain. I remember back when it was only one location, and just once a year.


I’m taking the N2 in Sapporo. I’ve already finished N5-N2 in Bunpro, so I’m just going to keep the reviews down to 0 whenever I have the opportunity. For vocab, I’m trying to grind down my Anki decks. I’d like to finish some books before the test as well, but we’ll see if I have time.

If I had continuously studied I’d expect to pass, but the past 6 months have had random things keep popping up and I feel like I missed about a month or two of studying total. I think I’m going to fail it but barely. Oh well. We’ll see!


Yes, totally crazy. I am doing it at Santiago de Compostela. They don’t usually offer the summer one (I guess because the school year ends and it would be a mess). If I try again in the summer I would probably go to Madrid or Barcelona.


Just received my voucher and information for the exam!

Fun stats if anyone is interested.

In the location I’m going:
N1 29 takers
N2 45 takers
N3 63 takers
N4 116 takers
N5 125 takers


I’m doing N4 in London. I signed up within hours of passing n5 (as it sells out very quickly) and am worried I overestimated how much I needed to do to pass, but obviously a year seemed like a long time at the time. Resigned myself to being bad at listening and grammar so hope kanji and reading can scrape it. I obviously have Bunpro for the grammar but I am struggling to translate that into passing the practice questions which all seem to be choose from these 4 very similar particles? I also struggle with concentrating on the listening test.


How did you get those stats out of interest? Just wonder what they look like for London.

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They attach a registration number, which is sequential to everyone and tell which classroom you have to go.

Maybe other locations keep their numbers secret and just tell you on the day of the test.
All the places I’ve gone in Spain do it like this.


Nothing like that for London. We have to meet in Hyde park where a man in a trenchcoat and fedora will pass us a newspaper inside of which is information on the test location. :male_detective: