JLPT December 2024

I’d like to do N5 and maybe throw in a quick vacay to Honolulu (it’s a direct flight from Anchorage) - but they won’t have a lot of seats - maybe I’ll book the vacay and console myself if I can’t get registered - wife is already trying to find cheap airbnb and flights either way

anyone know how tough it is to get registered right at 9am PDT on Aug 21st? does the site bog down or is registration a long complicated process?

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Plannnig on taking the N2 in London/SOAS this December. Any idea on when registration opens? September?

edit: From the website: " We will announce the application opening date in early August.

Please note that we will not open the application in early August."


For SOAS, Normally the registation is on a Monday morning from 8am. Just to say, wake up early and be ready to do the application for the test. Places fill super quick, as in in 20 / 30 minutes!


Sounds like you can do them online??

Yeah I’d mirror Zero’s comment.

I tried to sign up for July N2 at SOAS, and when I logged on at 08:20am it had already sold out :sob:
So I ended up having to take it in Leicester.

(It might be less of a rush in Dec, since other places also do it - but still, I’d log on at 8am to be safe)


Yeah, I’m not sure if i will be able to stay in a friends’ home or in a Hotel, depends on if he stays that weekend on the city, but either way the plan is travel on saturday, sleep that night there, and travel back on sunday afternoon. There shouldn’t be any rest problems.

Just registered for N2 :laughing:

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Yeah, I signed up too yesterday for the N2… Now that I have commited, I need to start studying haha

I’m wondering whether I should go for the N3 or N4 in December. I feel like I can chew through N3 by the end of September and I’m also at lvl29 on Wanikani. I also read stuff (manga, articles) to build vocab. Given I keep up the pace can I get a good score on N3?
Screenshot 2024-08-09 at 22-12-05 Dashboard Bunpro


Confirmation from SOAS website:

The application form for JLPT December 2024 will open on August 19 at 8am.

Well, in my humble opinion, i think N3 is certainly doable at your current stats, its hard to determine what your listening comprehension looks like and how much of this grammar already burned into your brain. One good way to analyze that is to do 1 or 2 mock tests to determine how close or how far you are from a “passable” grade, if you get a very bad result you will know that you have a lot of studying still left to do, so that could help you in determining how good is your probability of passing the test.

In my case, i took the N4 in july here in Brazil (think i passed), somedays after the test, i took a N3 Mock test to see how well i would do, and… i did very poorly, i still have a lot of N3 kanji to learn (Lvl 21 on WK) and still have a lot of grammar to learn as well (11/219 on Bunpro), so i determined to not take the N3 in december, because i don’t think i’ll be able to get ready in time with my current schedule. So, i’ll be trying it in July 2025. Hope to have helped you with your decision.


I will be taking N3 in Germany in December :slight_smile: The 350 available places in Stuttgart were gone very fast, like in a week or two they already posted a notice that there are no more free seats available. Guess I was lucky for submitting my application in the first two days after registration started.

From prior practice tests (in the Todai app), I guess I’m going to do fine with anything but listening :see_no_evil: And it’s so hard for me to practice listening with two kids running around and in the evenings I’m just too tired.

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Going to Stuttgart as well! Also N3 :slight_smile:

You are way ahead of me In Kanji, Vocab and Grammar. But I guess your question is not if you will pass but how high a score you can get haha

if you dont need the jlpt for anything within a timeframe i would ALWAYS aim for the difficulty you are the most likely to pass. keep in mind there are alot of variables every test you dont have control of like an exceptionally difficult test or a bad speaker in the listening part or simply a bad night of sleep and nervousness.


Yay, Stuttgart! Guess now I’ll be preoccupied with figuring out which of my fellow test takers is on Bunpro, too, rather than paying attention to the test itself :wink: If you want to get together for a bit afterwards, just send me a PM.

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Just signed up for JLPT N2 in San Francisco.
Interesting anecdote: I just found out I was the first ever person to register for the JLPT in Israel. Apparently 2012 when I took the JLPT N4 was the first time the JLPT was administered in Israel. When the Japanese embassy announced that they will hold the JLPT exam, I was so excited I dropped by the embassy the next day to ask them how to register. They figured out the registration process together with me and I got registration number 001 to put on forms :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Maybe I should make a sign with “Wanikani/Bunpro Meetup” hahaha

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Lucky you, I was planning to go to Düsseldorf, but didn’t have any photos printed out (they only took hardcopy applications),figured I would have some time. One week later I saw the notice that there were no more places there, and same for all other German locations. Anyway, guess I now have a weekend trip to Vienna to look forward to.

I’m planning to take it in Chicago this year. Debating between N5 and N4.

I’m level 13 on wanikani and almost done adding N4 content to my queue on bunpro. In recent weeks I’ve started trying to get some listening practice through non-subbed anime, and trying for reading practice through some text based games I’ve seen recommended, as well as the bunpro readings.

Is there any reason to put off the N4 if I’ve covered the content already? Covered doesn’t mean learned of course, but I think four months should be long enough to internalize it. Also, if anyone has any reading/listening resources that would be good for my level, (preferably something more applicable to the test than my current ones) please let me know.

Thanks, and good luck to everyone.

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I’m unsure if I’ll go for N4 or N5. I’m up to N3 grammar on Bunpro and level 34 on WK. I took the N5 last December and failed by 1 point. I think I’d pass the N5 this time, but unsure of the N4. It’s the listening that’s hard! I’ve been listening to Nihongo Con Teppei everyday (2-3 episodes minimum) and watching some anime in Japanese w/subs (Teasing Master Takagi San, Komi Can’t Communicate, aggretsuko).