JLPT results for Japan now available here!
Get overseas results when available using this link!
JLPT results for Japan now available here!
Get overseas results when available using this link!
NB: A direct link for accessing JLPT results for many countries, when available, was provided by Erz on this post:
Good luck everyone!
For those who failed or who are going up to the next level, I believe it’s the case that from the summer session this year onwards you should receive a CEFR equivalancy grade with your results (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2) so you can look forward to that.
What better way to console yourself than to learn about rabbits in Japanese
And … what better way to celebrate your success than to learn about rabbits in Japanese!
Hop over here:
N5 passed! 122/180
Vocabulary/Grammar/Reading: 86/120 (thanks Bunpro!! )
Listening: 36/60 🥲 that was close!
I failed N3 by 3 points
I thought I had completely bombed the exam and was emotionally ready to receive a super low score, but this actually feels so much worst.
passed N5 - 84/180
My listening was 25/60 - I am shocked it was that high - LOL
Overseas is out, too! Passed N3 with 175 points, vocab 60, reading 55, listening 60 (don’t know how that happened lol), much much better than anticipated
Oh no, that’s so cruel! I understand your frustration - failing by many points, ok, was not ready for that level, but failing by just a few is hard
So close - it means you’re really likely to get it whenever you sign up for it again
I expected to barely pass the N2 at best, but I crushed it!
Grammar 42/60
Reading 60/60
Listening 60/60
Guess spending the entire year reading visual novels payed off!
Shooting for N1 in December!
I hope so! Since I expected to fail, I had already decided to take it again in July this year. Since my score was so close, maybe I can stress a little less during the next 6 months of study.
Passed N4! 103/180. Not the best but I did pass at least. Pretty sure the grammar portion was where I lost the most points.
I am still bitter about the listening portion (33/60). I was in the front row and one of the proctors was shuffling papers right in front of me the entire time.
Passed vocab and grammar and did better than I thought I would on my listening. I just suck at the reading section.
It was close enough that in July I will be pretty confident to pass
Passed N1 with 119! The exam felt worse than all my mocks so I wasn’t sure but I’m happy it was fine in the end.
Luckily, we’re in the right place on Bunpro to practise reading
It can be really useful to know what to focus on for the next time signing up
I switched up my study methods in the 2 months since the exam and know my reading would be a whole lot better if I took the JLPT today
If you don’t mind me asking, what was your old technique and what is the new one?
I changed my review type to reading and turned off lightning mode as I realised that despite getting the answers correct, I wasn’t truly reading and understanding what the whole sentence was saying. If there are words I don’t know in the review sentence, assuming it’s nothing super rare, I’ll write the word into an example sentence.
That way I learn new vocabulary but also practice my reading ability too. Takes slightly longer but I’m not cheating myself that way.
Outside of bunpro, I’m just reading various manga, news and whatever hand out lands on my desk at work. (as well as using Migaku for Japanese subtitles on Netflix)
ギリセーフ! I passed with just over the required amount in reading, but then with around 2/3 marks in vocabulary/grammar and listening.