JLPT December 2024


It’s like Goodreads but for Japanese books and with difficulty rankings.
It also has links to stores where you can buy the books, or direct links to a PDF if it’s available for free, legally(!)

The link above gives you all free books in increasing difficulty, which you haven’t read yet.
Keep reading the first one in the list and feel yourself level up. :up:


Congrats on your N4 exam! How was it? What was the hardest part of it? Were there any coughs or noise during the listening exam?

I’d be taking N4 this December.

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Same :smiley:,

I didn’t expect such a large Polish community on Bunpro :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Good luck and see you at the exam :wave:

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Thanks a lot!

Thank you, it was mostly fine from what I remember, it was kind of similar to the N5 actually.

The hardest part for me was grammar, connecting the right particle sometimes seems tricky, and those questions that you have to put the sentence in the right order are also tricky because with Japanese you can speak in a lot of different ways, so it seemed like there was more than 1 right answer even though there was not (not sure if I’m making any sense hahah)

About the listening session, here in Brazil they asked the class about how loud they wanted the speakers to be, so if you were assigned a seat at the end of the classroom, they would ask you if you can hear it well at the seat you are in or if you want it a little bit louder, the other students were not noisy from what I remember, everyone was just trying to concentrate to listen well to the sentences.

Good luck with the N4 this December, if I could give any tips, it would be Mock Tests, do it every month or more, always good to measure your progress, especially when the test is getting closer, so that you can see how much studying you still need to do before the test and which area you need to focus on the most.

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Was planning to sign up for N3 however all the applications got taken immediately :roll_eyes:, knowing I won’t pass N2 I’ll take N4 this year. First time JLPT, hope for a pass :pray:


Also scaling down
despite having almost everything N3/N2 to at least seasoned level + 65 N1 grammar points studied I am going for N3 in December.

I just took both N2 and N3 mock tests and while grammar and listening should not be an issue at both levels, the 読解 part got on the ギリギリ side and and my kanji and vocabulary turned out way too fragile for N2. :pensive:

N2 is quite a bit more demanding than N3 in terms of endurance/pacing, having most exercices combined in a single session, considering this I’m pretty sure I’ll fail it.

I’ll play safe this time and get better prepared for N2 next summer :relieved:


Gonna be trying for N4. Level 12 in wanikani, just started cracking into N4 on bunpro and have about 10% of the N4 vocab done.

So i have my work cut out for me. I am not sure if Ill pass but its a good goal for me to strive for and I plan on taking the N3 next year anyway. I need to get better to improve my job prospects.


Going to take my first ever JLPT on December. I signed up for N5, although I’m on level 16 in Wanikani, 68/177 of N4 in Bunpro, 94% Japanese 1 on Lingodeer and about half of the Rocket Languages Level 1.

I just don’t feel confident enough. I’ve been doing this for over 2 years now, because I’m not in a hurry nor do I need japanese skills for anything. I aim for enjoying the learning and enjoying the language without spending too much on it. I do my reviews every day and take other lessons here and there when I feel for it. And it is rewarding and fun indeed to try to read something online in japanese or try to watch anime or japanese movies, to realize I can pick many parts of the text or dialogue.

Now I want to prove myself my slow pace and not so serious attitude works for me and take the JLPT as a kind of a measurement for that.


I just signed up for JLPT N2 today. This will be quite a bit of a challenge. Behind on pretty much everything, but going to try my best to catch up (at least enough to pass).

For folks planning to register in Japan, the deadline is tomorrow! Be sure to register on time!


I registered a couple weeks to take N4 in Boulder, Colorado. I’m cramming everyday lol


I was to lazy to research where to register in Italy, cos I have no friking skills in for this country.

I guess mock n5 at the end of this month will do the trick

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research where to register in Italy

Locations for the whole world are listed here List of Overseas Test Site Cities and Local Host Institutions | JLPT Japanese-Language Proficiency Test, but December registrations are probably closed by now.