JLPT December 2024

Check here for more info. The areas you apply in are quite large (Kanto, Kansai, etc) and then the test site is within a more narrowly defined area. If you will be in Yokohama then for the Kanto application the test sites are simply in the Tokyo metropolitan area (which is a not exactly a small area) so you may be sent 2 hours away from wherever your hotel is or something. It is not as narrow as choosing a city (市) and being tested in that city.


Oh wow, did not notice that when going through the guide. Wouldn’t mind it though, sounds kinda exciting :smiley:

From https://info.jees-jlpt.jp/ (website for taking the JLPT in Japan):

Notice about the test application for the 2nd JLPT in 2024 (December)

The application for the 2nd JLPT in 2024 (December) will start from August 22 (Thu).
Please note the following two matters below when you apply for the test.

●Depending on the availability of the venue rental, the test site may be located in a prefecture other than the one you want.
●If the test site is unable to use because of the disaster etc., and we cannot find a substitute test site, some of the examinees may not take the test.

If those matters happen, we will update our website. Your test fee is refunded if the test is canceled.
Please make sure to understand above before applying the test.

In addition, we would like to ask all examinees to read “To all the examinees” before coming to the test site.


oh man is this related to the recent megaquake warnings? Feel like people are going nuts over there because of it.

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Let’s go! I’m taking JLPT for my first time this year! I signed up for N2 after studying japanese for only about a year! Kind of overwhelmed but I think I can do it!



I passed N3 in December last year. Contemplating signing up for N2 in December. That said, I’m still pretty behind on N2 grammar, maybe will wait at the last minute and see if I’m far enough before registering. Quite worried about the reading section, I heard it’s quite tough.

Good luck everyone!

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I live here (and even in an area that would directly hit). Everyone has been behaving as usual although the supermarket did put a temporary limit on how many 2l bottles of water one person could buy at a time. Anything you’ve seen online probably is either an exaggeration or people who are overly anxious and posting about it because of that. A mega quake is 70-80% expected within the next 30 years so although the chances perhaps went up slightly for a week or two fundamentally nothing changed.

Here is an article which explains the thinking behind the warning fairly well.

Edit: fixed broken link


I have no experience on travelling alone and I want to take my first JLPT exam being N3. The closest test venue in my country is a couple hundreds of kilometers away via a ferry and a bus ride.

Any test-takers here who travel far for this? Do you have any tips on preparing for the exam when it comes to accommodations and generally just being alone in a big city?

PS. Just turned legal age and I want to step out of my comfort zone


Traveling for my N3 as well but I do it on purpose as I could have taken this test in my city. Don’t worry to much about getting out of your comfort zone. When I first traveled on my own to a completely different country without speaking their language or knowing anyone my body instinctively reacted to that and gave me confidence to do whatever i wanted. I also talked to strangers for no reason sometimes and was surprised about that myself.

I think taking the test in another city is much more motivating than doing it in your own city. It pushes me to learn everyday and look forward to it!


Good luck to all of you! I’m reviewing everything up to N3 because I am not confident my skills are up to par with my JLPT N3 certificate so I am definitely not going to be testing for N2 unfortunately. Gonna grind my listening skills and output :3


Without info about where you’re from it’s hard to help, and I don’t think this is a good place to disclose that either. So I’ll give you some generic advice.

You’re talking about public transportation and said kilometers so I have to assume you’re from Europe. I’m pretty sure you’ll just be fine, but look up what the bad areas of town are and avoid them. Don’t use that as an excuse to just not have fun, though. Letting fear control you is a bad thing.

If you’ve never been to a big city before, really just ignore any suspicious people trying to get you to go anywhere, or trying to give/sell you anything.


Just a reminder that the UK SOAS applications open up tomorrow (Monday) morning at 8am


Japan applications open today! I’ve just sent mine off. It feels much more real now…

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At the start of the year I was sure I would do N2 in December, I had it set in my calendar to register last week. But after taking a Migii practice test I just can’t see that I could get myself prepared by then. My reading is sloooow and my focus is just awful. Life is busy too. Realistically, I don’t need that added stress right now. Sucks to not be hitting the milestones that I wanted to but I’m still going to keep up the studying. I’ve been at this long enough that a bit more time wont matter in the long run.


Australian applications opened yesterday, so I have now officially registered to take the N5! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah


“Congratulations on registering successfully for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)”

Now, it’s for real!

I’m so happy with my progress since last December where I barely passed N5.
Just this Summer, I’ve read 30 graded readers.

I feel that I’m definitely a solid N5 now and hopefully I’ll be ready for N4 in December.

All the best to you all.


After acing N2 last December, I’m ready for the N1. I just finished the N1 grammar deck, and the Anki vocab deck I have should be done in a couple weeks.

I hope I can find good resources for practicing. Light Novels just ain’t that hard anymore and listening to the news is BORING.


OK, I am registered for N5 in Warsaw - I have hesitated whether to go for N4 or N5, but decided to play it safe as I have no earlier JLPT experience, haven’t finished the N4 deck on Bunpro (quite a few items left :wink: ) and I’m a bit scared of the listening part as of now. If I do well this December, I might attempt N4 in July without waiting for a full year to do so.

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Where are you getting the graded readers from?

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I’ll also take the JLTP in Warsaw!

My situation was exactly the same but at the end I decided to go with N4 as a small challenge for myself :slight_smile: