JLPT December 2024

Today’s the day! (at least here in Japan)
To everyone taking the test over the next 24 hours - できると思ったらできる!


できる …
と …
思った … ら …

できる …


Oh! Thanks! :grin:

Man, I’m going to fail this exam :joy:


We are done in NZ (I took N4). Probably failed, but that’s cool! It’s use the JPLT as a benchmark for where I am :slight_smile:


I am in an Airbnb just on edge of Waikiki and will take pictures of sunset with wife tonight. Tomorrow I will travel a few minutes to the U of Hawaii. There is a Japanese garden near our test building. Might go chill there a bit before I check in.


Sounds nice!
Practicing kanji at the Wanikani Airbnb?

I’ve been taking an extended stay at the Bunpro Hotel recently, though I still haven’t found the sunset easter egg :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Best of luck to everyone tomorrow! I’ll be taking the N2 :crossed_fingers: Hoping that luck is on my side and I’m given kanji I actually recognize


Just a reminder to everyone not to discuss the contents of the exam after taking it :+1:


On my way to the exam now! I’m still full from turkey from last night’s thanksgiving feast :blush:


I couldn’t sleep and woke up 4 hours before the exam. My hotel is at a walking distance from the venue so I am just nervously waiting. Maybe I will go to a market to buy a KitKat or something.

Good luck everyone.


Yeah. It occurred to me I will probably be one of the last people to take the exam. I will be 3pm PST (1pm Honolulu time)and any further west you are in the next day so I will probably have to stay out of the forums till tomorrow :slight_smile:

On a related note I am in Waikiki and am stunned how much Japanese is on the signs. It is the second language on most of them. When I lived near the mall of America it was Chinese but there is Japanese everywhere here in Waikiki and Japanese speakers to whom I can say 日本語を勉強します


I hope everyone survived today?



I’m pretty bummed.

Taking the N5, I think I did really well on the vocab, grammar and reading, but for the listening section I felt like I barely understood a word.

I did a bunch of practice exams over the past week and scored really well on them, including the listening section, so I don’t know what happened. :frowning:


The N2 test was tough…

On the other hand, I felt like I understand what’s in the tests a lot more than when I did N3. I remembered N3 being a bunch of guesswork and wtf, especially the listening. That was a big mess. At least now I feel like I understand the listening section but missed some of the info/nuances needed to answer the questions … you know what I mean?.

I hope I pass…


Finished! Honestly, I thought this N3 was easier than the previous tests. Handed in my grammar/reading part 15min early because I had a bad coughing fit (thank god I was done anyway, so the proctors were very nice and let me go outside). And we even had a big digital clock on a screen on the test room :wink:

Hope everyone else did okay :slight_smile:


No long out of N4 here in Ireland, but I’ve a feeling I’ll be doing N4 again in 2025 :sweat_smile:. Vocab went really well then went downhill from there.

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I did the N3 in Vienna today and I’m a little mixed. On the one hand I’m relatively confident that I didn’t fail, but there were more answers where I wasn’t sure than I would have liked. Especially on the grammar part I seem to have been less sure than I would have thought (Kanji, vocab and reading all went pretty well, at least). Shame we can’t discuss the contents, because there are a number of sentences where I would like to know the differences between two options that seemed equally plausible. Well, maybe in a few weeks (and without completely reproducing any of the content)

Done in Germany, N5. ヘトヘト疲れた。。。
Had the same feeling that vocab went pretty well, then grammar was tougher and listening … ehhh. Even our supervisor (Japanese) commented that “man, the way they ask these questions is wicked” :sweat_smile:


N1 was super tough. Guess you gonna see me next year again.

Made it to testing site after 45 minute hike in Hawaii heat. (Lyft upcharged me and wasn’t showing up). And as far as I can tell I am the only gray hair here. LOL



Did the N2 in London earlier today. Like the N3 last year, it was a positive experience sitting the exam at SOAS, their lecture rooms are always silent and the audio quality and volume are great. The registration process is smooth and efficient.

For the exam itself, the kanji/vocab session was fine. Grammar was hader than I thought, I really struggled with the “star” sentence formation questions. Hoping the vocab/kanji carry my ass to a pass mark on this section. Reading was as expected, all that practice papers really helped with time management. Managed to get to the finish.

I was quite suprised by the listening section, felt harder than normal, especially the quick-reaction (mondai 4) questions. This is proably due to tiredness and stress in exam conditions vs. sitting a mock exam at home. The other questions, including the long-from (mondai 5) were simpler in comparison.

Really hoping for a pass, it wont be a good score but I’d take anything over 90 :stuck_out_tongue: