JLPT July 2024

everyone has a first time, 頑張れ!

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I think thats good advice. For me getting to the test centre is a bit of a hassle with travel expenses and childcare as N3 isnt really “recognised” I decided it wouldnt be worth it. But if I can do some N3 past papers in real time test conditions in July that would be the next best thing. I havent ever taken a JLPT and I do think a big hurdle will just be staying focused for the duration.


I wouldn’t say N3 is not “recognized” but it shows you are able to survive basic interactions. I’d say n5\n4 aren’t really recognized though.


I guess I mean for job purposes or further study. Ive only ever seen qualifications/entry requirements be N2 or above


In that case, my 3 cents! would be that N2 is slightly easier in terms of concentration because you have 2 (very slightly) longer papers overall compared with 3 papers to do for the lower JLPT levels.


N2 compared to N3 is bascally just experience in the language isn’t it? I’ve heard around these very woods, that it often comes down to reading and comprehension speed rather than actual grammatical knowledge. (That isn’t to say ignore grammar!)
like the skill gap between n4 ad n3 is larger than the skillgap between n3 and n2 grammar wise?
These are question, not conjectures mind you. so don’t be mean if i am wrongly asking. lol

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I have no interest in the JLPT but it seems I will be taking the N1 this year due to my employer. I’m not sure yet if I will do July or December. I have never studied for a test in my life so this will be interesting.

Any advice?


How much japanese do you feel you know? Is your current bunpro level around your japanese level? Did you just begin learning? or are you quite experienced?
sorry for the barage, just for more context for advice.

I’m not sure how to gauge how much I know. I’ve taken the N1 practice test before and I only got one question wrong but I had to guess for a lot of the answers using process of elimination.

My Bunpro level isn’t accurate. I’m currently reviewing everything from N5 to N1 via textbooks and am using Bunpro for reviews.


(Bunny)Pro tip: for all the questions you guessed, even if you struck lucky, or unlucky, count each of them as a quarter correct so you aren’t fooling yourself one way or the other when it comes to the JLPT exams :smiley:

My local university only goes up to Tobira and they call that “advanced Japanese”, not diminishing the level, but obviously that’s about N3. I think with study abroad, some might be N2 but it would require extensive study and far beyond some curriculums taught in most colleges. Some colleges such as UC Berkeley I hear have phenomenal Japanese programs though and are the exception.

Definitely going for N2 in July, but I don’t feel confident at all! I’m hoping my life in Japan and talking to locals has helped me get qualified for the test, but when I sit down to formally learn the grammar, I realize there’s way too much I don’t know!

Anyway, best of wishes to everyone else taking the JLPT!


The JLPT isn’t offered here in July, but I plan on taking the N5 in December!

(Picked up my Japanese studies a few weeks ago after not studying for about fifteen years)


Yeah, the difference between JLPT texts/questions and speaking some Japanese in real life is … huge :crazy_face:

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N3 (December 2023 合格) → N2 (July 2024) 出来るかどうか知らないんですが、頑張ります!

With only 6 months until the N2, it will be interesting to see if I manage to pass that as well or get hit with a 不合格. I need to finish up N4 and N3 grammar on Bunpro before tackling N2. That’s around 500 or so grammar-points in 180 days. It will be a lot of work, but fingers crossed I can keep chugging along. I have not looked at any previous N2 question-booklets yet… Probably should get around to that…

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I am taking the JLPT N2 in July. Will be interesting to see as I took took the exam in July 2023 and failed by 10ish points. Hopefully I can prepare - I am just reading light novels / manga and doing JLPT questions as much as I can from Kanzen Master and other books…

@JLR777 Just being in Japan helps alot! Don’t worry. I am quite confident in saying that you will get at least half marks in the listening section just because you are in Japan.


I’m kinda hesitant, but I’m gonna put myself out there to be held accountable. In December, I’m going to tackle the N1 test!!

I should be done with all the grammar points by the end of February, but what I am most worried about is my reading speed and listening comprehension (which weirdly enough is what I do the least of, mostly because I find casual conversations videos boring).

Anyway, gotta get back into serious mode, like when I started this journey about 3 years ago. Good luck to everyone taking the test this year!


I took N5 in Dec 2023 for the first time and passed. There’s no July test where I live, but I’m aiming for N4 in Dec 2024.

However, for anyone who might be planning to write for the first time in July, I thought I’d offer my two best pieces of practical advice (obviously, I can only speak to N5, but I would guess the higher levels are the same).

  1. The instructions on the test paper are exclusively in Japanese, so make sure to be familiar in advance with the specific question formats and with the Japanese instructions for each, especially if you’re not yet a fast reader.

  2. Before the test I tried and failed to figure out how many times you get to hear the listening portions. It turns out the answer is ONCE, unlike any other language listening test I’ve experienced. So just be prepared for that, stay alert, and listen carefully.

Good luck, everyone!


Worked so hard to pass those as well… :cry:

Think it will take me a while to get from N4 to N3 level, so not really thinking about taking it this year. I might have a chat with my tutor mid-year to see if passing is a realistic proposition. Until then I’ll just have some fun reading and listening to podcasts (alongside vocab/grammar SRS)


Just went on the JLPT website… It seems like the the applications for taking the JLPT for July exam in Japan will open up on the 22nd March!

OMG time is moving so fast…