I have a bit of a different experience to share. I’ve been studying on and off for years now (I think maybe 5 since I got serious about it?). It’s longer than many people who have achieved N2. However, I’ve struggled with consistency due to waning interest. Part of it changing life goals, but the biggest one is definitely burnout from being overambitious.
Last year I decided to challenge myself to change that and I’ve been diligently working to consolidate my knowledge. Mainly using Bunpro. I started doing the Genki companion decks (to review Genki 1 & 2) and now I’m filling in the blanks with the default N4 & N5 decks after finishing those.
I’d like to try my luck with the N3 exam, to really push towards an intermediate level and solidify my own progress. Mostly to prove a point to myself (and others) as I feel settled in my home city and thus, don’t plan on moving to Japan like I did when I was a teenager.
However, I’m thinking July might be a bit too soon as I have a massive review stack and haven’t even finished adding all the N4 material yet… I could likely finish adding the N3 material by then, maybe even get my reviews under control if I push myself, but I feel like I need more time to practice what I’ve learned, particularly reading comprehension as I’m stronger with speaking and listening.
I will most likely aim for December instead but I’ll see. N4 is an option too and the excuse to have a mini vacation to another city would be nice. I’ll sit on it for a bit longer before making up my mind completely.
Good luck to everyone who has decided to register!