Keigo confusion

I keep getting confused with all the keigo, like お召し上がりになっています、いらっしゃい、なさるなど.

I’m wondering if there are practical recommendations y’all could recommend, since waiters and other people in customer service use these in Japanese. It would really help to have some kind of visual explanation since I just keep messing everything up.

For more common grammar points, I tether these to memorable anime scenes, like お前はもう死んでいる is how I remember the ている form.



I’m also having this same problem recently. I can’t offer any help, but I can bump the topic in hopes that someone else has better advice than “just brute force it”.

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This channel has several videos on keigo that might be useful. This is just one of them:



What made keigo click for me was realizing there’s only two flavors and they’re used either to talk about others or to talk about yourself.

After that I just grouped keigo together by meaning and ‘flavor’, so like how する is お〜になる or なさる for others and お〜する or いたす for yourself.

Mind you, I’m no expert, but this is what has worked for me so far :nerd_face:

Edit: lmao oops this thread was a lot older than I thought xD