5 Minutes for 6 Days every 7 days: A Log


i thought i would do worse lol
but yay seven day streak!


I honestly felt like I was doing worse, but I felt better compared to yesterday.

I wish there was some kind of visual mnemonic I could use for grammar, but or like a news clip where they use these grammar points. It doesn’t seem like I’m grasping these as quickly as I can with wanikani vocab. I use anime scenes and mnemonics to remember wanikani vocab.


You could search for a sentence using that site and then copypasta it into bunpro. I haven’t used personally but there are a few custom sentence mechanisms.


If you use Youglish, Improve your Japanese pronunciation using YouTube , you can search a grammar point and then it’ll give you video clips of people using that specific point. You could then add a link or something like that to your notes in bunpro.

(I might actually start doing this - I hadn’t thought of it before)


I’m slowly but surely reaching around 100 reviews~

@jrmr50 that’s a good idea! I’ll try putting some grammar points into immersionkit and see what happens.

@Gacee and thank you for recommending this site! It looks really cool!

I got this badge too!


I keep thinking I do worse than I expected; 50% is better than I expected.

But yea these grammar points aren’t really sticking… I’m kind of just swimming in grammar lol, maybe I should take it slower, or cram N4…


Actually, maybe I’m better at translating the Japanese grammar into English, but I’m so bad at turning English into Japanese.

Also, me reading the Japanese translations of the grammar points is kinda throwing me off but I so much want to be able to understand it; just because?


I’m trying to keep the reviews below 100; I’m using Immersion Kit to help with seeing grammar points in the real world. I’m also reading Volume 1 of Bocchi, bought from Kinokuniya.




Is there a way to cram recent mistakes, or like mistakes in the last week?

I’m on the right track in terms of reviews, but in terms of retention, I think I need to utilize the cram feature. It’d be nice if it wasn’t just available from the review summary page.

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I haven’t tried it yet, as my Cram sessions usually involve going to “Practice > Cram > Special > Troubled Grammar”, but maybe you could try “Practice > Cram > Special > Reviewed in last 24hrs”. That seems to be closer to what you’re looking for. I hope that helps :slight_smile:

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In that picture, see the “Cram 2 Missed Items” for wrong ones in that session


@distantflower and @jrmr50 thank you for sharing your routines, i’ll try them out!


I still feel like I’m failing so much, but my review count is going down~ I intend to use the cram feature for N4 later~

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im pretty sure as long as your average accuracy is above 50% (and no ghosts are created), your average review count will go down.


Consistency~~~~~~~ 19 day streak!

Could someone help me understand what exactly ghosts are? I kind of get that they’re like leeches in Wanikani parlance, but are they cards meant to help me understand because the SRS recognizes these cards as terms that I particularly need help with?


i think ghosts (on the default “minimum” setting) appear if you get a grammar point wrong twice in one session. It will then appear as its own review in your review queue until you get it past ghost level 4. They appear to give you short term practice of troubled grammar points. they disappear after level 4 so they dont clog your reviews after you presumably have learned the card


To add on to this: if you have them set to just “on”, then a ghost is added after you miss a review once. Once you slay a ghost, the same card that you slayed can still show up in your normal SRS reviews.


@airbus29 and @Gacee thank you for your explanations! I seem to be getting better at the ghosts, I’m mostly leaning on the English definitions but I’m trying to learn the Japanese ones too.

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I’m not too bothered by the 40% mark. Honestly that’s what I expected. ganbaru!



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